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Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
85 St - 11 Ave - 12 Ave

I've frequently found 85th street and 84th street to be an ideal east-west connector. The street is relatively quiet, with low traffic, little double-parking, and avoids major schools. It's easy to take further into Bensonhurst.

Bike Parking Needed
Bike Parking Needed
83 St - 6 Ave - Ft Hamilton Parkway

There's alot of room for excess bike parking here, especially for bikers shopping at 86th street or transferring to a bus nearby.

Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
Ft Hamilton Parkway - 84 St - 85 St

Please consider extending and improving the bike lane along Fort Hamilton parkway in anticipation of the number of cyclists who will be emerging from the 7th Avenue protected bike path.

Ft Hamilton Parkway - 86 St - 88 St

The bike lane from 86th Street south to 92nd street along Fort Hamilton Parkway has had major heaves in the asphalt, dramatically changing the elevation along the bike lane and effectively reducing it's width by half, driving cyclists closer to parked cars and putting them more at risk of being doored.

Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
Leif Ericson Park Greenway - 5 Ave - 6 Ave

Would love to have a protected bike lane connecting 4th Avenue with the recently proposed 7th Avenue protected lane. Much of the existing sidewalk space along Lief Ericson Park is disused or poorly organized, and might be able to accommodate a lane.

Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
3 Ave - 87 St - 88 St

It would be awesome to have a bike lane on the neighborhood's commercial district. However, double parking is a huge problem, especially between 80th St. and Bay Ridge Ave. Remove all the parking for loading zones and create a protected bike route

Uncomfortable for Novice Cyclists
Uncomfortable for Novice Cyclists
Ft Hamilton Parkway - 90 St - 92 St

Double parking, especially on the N/B, uphill side make this a tricky are a to navigate, especially with drivers who are heading to or coming from the highway.

Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
Shore Rd - 72 St - 74 St

Shore Road's bike lane and parking lane should be flipped. A protected bike lane would help shorten the crossing distance on Shore Road. A narrower road would slow down speeding drivers. There is a problem with drag racing on this street. A narrower street would hopefully prevent it, or at least help keep people on bikes and on foot protected from the inevitable crash

Bike Parking Needed
Bike Parking Needed
Shore Rd - 79 St - 80 St

Bike parking near the playground and basketball courts would be useful

Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
86 St - Battery Ave - 7 Ave

A middle school is going to be built at the former site of Nathans at the corner of 86th St. and Seventh Ave. At a public meeting on March 12, a number of residents voiced concerns about traffic safety at this intersection. Many of those concerns could be addressed by eliminating on-street parking and creating a wide, protected bike lane on 86th St.

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