Thomson Avenue Survey and Design Idea

Existing conditions on Thomson Avenue adjacent to Court Square.

The NYC DOT is looking for feedback on a design idea for Thomson Avenue between Jackson Avenue and 44th Drive that seeks to:

  • Expand pedestrian space and prioritize non-vehicular circulation

  • Improve safety through traffic calming measures

  • Enhance cyclist and pedestrian infrastructure


The current design idea for Thomson Avenue proposes:

  • Expanded pedestrian space on the south side of the street and adjacent to Court Square to improve pedestrian circulation

  • Public space amenities such as bike corrals, street furniture, and plantings

  • Shortened pedestrian crossings and curb extensions that improve visibility and encourage cars to slow down

  • Programming opportunities such as markets, music, and other one-day events


Please participate in our quick, anonymous survey asking about your relationship to Thomson Avenue, experiences, and more. Thank you!


More detailed information about the history of the project, including past outreach and engagement, is provided on the "Overview" page located in the navigation panel to the left.


Design idea for Thomson Avenue
Design idea for Thomson Avenue