Transportation Input Map

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Add Train Service
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Hillside Ave - 187 Pl - 188 St

The F should be extended along Hillside Avenue to Springfield Boulevard to reduce areas with the longest travel times in the nations.

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Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers
Murdock Ave - Wood St - Lewiston Ave

Traffic light to manage the flow of heavy traffic and speeding vehicles.

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Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers
Murdock Ave - Mayville St - Newburg St

4 ways stop is needed to reduce speeding. No tracker trailer parking tow away zone signs.

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Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers
Newburg St - Dunkirk St - Linden Boulevard

Needs to become a one way street, since it's to narrow for 2 way traffic.

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Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers
Jordan Ave - Hannibal St - Farmers Boulevard

Traffic light need to assist cars trying to turn on to or out of Jordan Ave. Police cameras to deter loitering and illegal activities.

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Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers
Dunkirk St - Babylon Ave - Camden Ave

Speed bumps are needed to reduce speeding cars.

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Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers
Jordan Ave - Hannibal St - Farmers Boulevard

Add a 4 way stop to slowdown speeding drivers cutting down Jordan Ave to avoid lights on Farmers Blvd.

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Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers
Wood St - Galway Ave - Hilburn Ave

Speed bumps or stop signs need to be added to slowdown aggressive drives who speed down Wood to avoid Farmers Blvd traffic.

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Crowded Bus Stop
Crowded Bus Stop
Liberty Ave - 183 St - Dunkirk St

Before the repaving of Liberty Avenue a few years back Liberty and 183 Street was two lanes. It 's now one lane when it can be one lane and a lane for turns. In the morning rush hours this area is congested and snarled with traffic when it should not have to.

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Area of Opportunity
Area of Opportunity
Parsons Boulevard - 87 Ave - 87 Rd

Clear loitering at Jamaica center train station clean the station

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