Meeker Avenue

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Conflicting Turns
Conflicting Turns
Brooklyn Queens Expressway - Brooklyn Queens Ep Et 32 B Wb - Bqe Wb En Mc Guinness Blvd S

There is no northeastern exit from under the BQE to drive west on Manhattan Avenue. The heavy reliance on the west exit on to Meeker could see more collisions as drivers turning south from Manhattan Avenue would also be turning left at the same time and there columns obstruct visually. The arrangement definitely results in additional fossil fuel use to drive down Meeker and u-turn at Leonard before heading north. If the northern exit curb-cut was re-established, it could also be used by bicycles. As of now, if the bike lane were instituted, there is no way over the curb for them.

Meeker Ave - Manhattan Ave - Graham Ave - Brooklyn

Parking is being taken away, and I, as an essential worker require a car to commute to the hospital. Please provide an EIS to look at the possible displacement of residents due to parking being removed.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Bench Needed
Bench Needed
Richardson St - Leonard St - Meeker Ave

This is an unkempt Green street that could be converted to a rain garden or community garden or at least have some benches put it

Brooklyn Queens Expressway - Brooklyn Queens Ep Et 32 B Wb - Bqe Wb En Mc Guinness Blvd S

Please leave some unmetered parking south of Manhattan until adequate garages or public transportation alternatives such as the Triboro are implemented. These spots are needed by essential workers and metering until 10pm in a residential district is going to far and not supported by the community

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