18 wheeler trucks continue to rumble down Caton Avenue when they belong on the THROUGH route on nearby Church Avenue
Illegal trucks are speeding down Caton Avenue after dark and blast their horns as they run the red light at the intersection of Coney Island Ave and Caton Ave.
Trucks making left turn on to Tiffany St from southbound Bruckner Blvd are destroying the pedestrian island. If someone stands there, they will be crushed as the back tires often roll over it. Please add another bollard to the side closest to the turning traffic, so truck drivers turn more responsibility.
Illegal 53 foot tractor trailers speeding on Meeker ave
Although Caton Ave is a Truck Route, St. Paul's to Coney Island Ave is residential block and more should be done to move the truck lane elsewhere to protect lung health of the local community. The smoggy smell on Caton Avenue is oppressive from the idling of trucks at red lights.
Always has vehicles parked here for deliveries, picking up people or just hanging out.
NYPD vehicles and trucks park in the bike lane here, causing cyclists to swerve out into traffic
Delivery trucks blocking the bike lane every day, causing cyclists to swerve out into traffic
Yesterday and Today, trucks have made difficult turned one caught a flat tire, today a truck got stuck on the sidewalk
Roadway is too short
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