21st Street Bus Priority and Safety Study

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No Crosswalk
No Crosswalk
Newtown Ave - Astoria Boulevard - Newtown Ave

There is no crosswalk and no sidewalk on the triangle here, but it's obviously a more direct path to walk along Astoria Blvd, so people walk it anyway, putting themselves in danger. The western slip lane to Newtown should be closed and made into sidewalk space, and a crosswalk should be put in across the eastern fork of Newtown here.

Red Light Running
Red Light Running
21 St - Astoria Park South - 25 Rd

Consistent red light runners

Street View
Bus Stuck in Traffic
Bus Stuck in Traffic
21 St - 30 Ave - 30 Rd

Buses are stuck in traffic the entire way down 21st St. It causes unpredictable wait times and bus bunching. And even with that bad service, more people ride the bus on this street than drive on it, according to the DOT's own stats. Bus lanes are needed ASAP.

Astoria Boulevard - 18 St - Newtown Ave

Consider this proposal for this intersection - it points out the main issues with the intersection as well as solutions for each. https://adamfishercox.com/safe-astoria/

No Crosswalk
No Crosswalk
Astoria Boulevard - 18 St - Newtown Ave

It's impossible to safely cross from the tip of this triangle to the rest of the intersection, but of course if people need to cross, they will. So the design of this intersection is just requiring people to put themselves at risk.

Bus Stuck in Traffic
Bus Stuck in Traffic
21 St - 26 Rd - 27 Ave

Buses often get stuck at the red light here, with the bus stop just across the intersection. Traffic Signal Priority and/or bus stop relocation to the north side of the intersection would help. Center-running bus lanes and island stops would be best.

Long Distance to Cross
Long Distance to Cross
Astoria Boulevard - 18 St - Newtown Ave

Crossing distances are way too long at all intersections, but this one has huge distances in all directions. Turn Newtown Ave and 27th Ave away from the intersection to simplify this intersection.

21 St - Astoria Boulevard - 27 Rd

Jaywalking should not be illegal and roads and traffic levels should be designed safely enough to cross at any point - but the design of this intersection encourages crossing against the light because there are multiple useful crossings that aren't marked or made safe (for example, from the location of the WB Q19 stop to the location of the EB Q19 stop), and the light cycles are way too long for pedestrians on an intersection that most people need to cross twice. It's a huge impediment to connecting folks on the west side of the street to the east side (where supermarkets are)

21 St - Astoria Boulevard - 27 Rd

Speeding is the norm up and down the entire street, but at this intersection there are multiple visibility issues (especially the northwest corner) where speeding drivers take right turns without being able to see if they will hit someone crossing the street.

Red Light Running
Red Light Running
21 St - Astoria Boulevard - 27 Rd

Red light running is constant at this intersection as well as creeping into the crosswalk/rolling before the light turns green.

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