It is dangerous to make a left turn going south on 21st Street and Broadway. It is dangerous as most intersections going south on 21st Street.
The 69 is so crowded especially along 21Street. Both the 100 and the 66 are never that crowded and run express past many busy bus stops. The 100 should make stops between 34th Ave and the F train stop.
I have lived on 34th Ave and 21st Street for over 60 years. All this time we have requested a light at the corner of 33rd Road and 21st St. you cannot cross safely, and even with the speed camera now, cars go whizzing past. Enough is enough….Put ups a light.
Bikes, motor cycles and scooters create unsafe driving conditions and slow down traffic especially on turns
cars drive too fast and it takes too long for light to change and then it is too short
There are several issues with this area. Cars speed causing dangerous situations for those exiting the parking lot, there is a long distance between Broadway and 34th Avenue with no crosswalk and no traffic light. If a traffic light and crosswalk is added near 33rd Road it would significantly reduce danger. There have been multiple accidents resulting in flipped vehicles at this site.
Stop light is needed here . Many people cross at 33d and 21 Street
Cars often double park near the cart on the southwest corner of 41st Avenue and 21st street, causing cars and buses fo have to drive around them and results in additional congestion before the bridge entrance ramp.
There is no crossing for about three blocks between Broadway and 34th Ave. Since cars are normally speeding on 21st Street, it makes it very dangerous for pedestrians.
trucks always blocking the right lane for loading and unloading at the apt building on the corner of Ast Blvd
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