3rd Ave Corridor Safety Study Feedback Map

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3 Ave - 28 St - 29 St

I'm a bike commuter from Redhook who works in Industry City. 3rd ave is a pothole mess that makes it very unsafe to be biking besides close fast moving traffic while trying to swerve around countless bumps, debris, trash, and double parked cars. I would like to see a safe bike path connecting Redhook to 3rd since 9th st to 4th Ave adds 15-20 more minutes to my commute.

3 Ave - 60 St - 3 Ave

I live in Bay Ridge and really want to bike down 4th Ave to work, but in order to get there I need to somehow cross through this scary and dangerous highway intersection. Please help create a safe path for pedestrians and cyclists. Also a bus lane for b37 would be a dream!

3 Ave - 19 St - 20 St

Let's get these protected bike lanes and pedestrian islands implemented throughout the entire Third Avenue corridor! It is so unsafe to travel through here, especially by transit, walking, or bicycling.

Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
60 St - 2 Ave - 3 Ave

A protected bike lane should be installed on 60th Street in order to safely connect the 2nd Ave Bike lane to the rest of the bike lane network.

43 St - 3 Ave - 3 Ave

This is supposed to be a corridor connection between Sunset Park to Bush Terminal but it is such a dangerous crossing point for pedestrians. There are a lot of families and children that cross at this intersection to access Bush Terminal is . Please increase the safety at this location. It is an accident waiting to happen.

Gowanus Expressway - Gowanus Expressway Wb En 61 St - Gowanus Expressway

Safe pedestrian and cyclist passage on 3rd Ave is essential to reach Industry City, Bush Terminal, the Brooklyn Army Terminal. Further afield to reach Owls Head Park. We need improvements to protect public safety along Third Avenue.

Lane Marking Problems
Lane Marking Problems
3 Ave - 60 St - 3 Ave

Plastic barriers which prevented cars from merging early were removed and need to be put back. Without the barriers, cars and trucks merge into the Main Road as they come off the highway while other vehicles and the B37 bus are exiting from main to service road, leading to close calls and near accients..

Street View
Confusing Bike Route Connection
Confusing Bike Route Connection
17 St - 3 Ave - 3 Ave

Getting on and off 3rd Ave on a bike is a scary experience.

Confusing Bike Route Connection
Confusing Bike Route Connection
Gowanus Expressway - Gowanus Expressway Wb En 61 St - Gowanus Expressway

Getting on and off 3rd Ave on a bike is a scary experience.

Hamilton Ave - 15 St - 17 St

We need a safe biking route from redhook / southern carroll gardens across the gowanus canal, and connecting to the waterfront. 9th st is too far away!

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