Build a direct connection from the bridge to the BQE West, then close the ramp entrance at Hicks Street to make a safer pedestrian experience heading to the Park.
Please use the map below to leave comments on potential pain points and/or opportunities for BQE Central, the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway between Atlantic Ave and Sands St. You can choose to leave a comment directly on the map or through an accessible form upon choosing a category.
For more information about the project, please visit BQEvision.com.
Build a direct connection from the bridge to the BQE West, then close the ramp entrance at Hicks Street to make a safer pedestrian experience heading to the Park.
Open up the space under the bridge as a pass through for pedestrians.
the highway should be buried and a public park built on top.
Reduce lanes from 6 to 4. Cap and bury the highway to reduce noise and pollution. Ensure that highway does not further encroach upon existing buildings and home but moves farther away from them.
The entire road should be eliminated and replaced by an eight lane tunnel. and the requirements tht your form imposes are DUMB. Probably not designed by a P.E.
This road generates pollution on several levels. It produces oily dirt on windowsills, polluting gases as exhaust. These are not good for anyones’ lungs. And then we have SOUND. Everyone driving on this road feels entitled to use as much horn as he (or she or it) can muster at any time of day or night. Thus, the road is an obnoxious neighbor that should MOVE.
Our building is right next to the BQE. We feel vibrations in our apartment and have grime on our windowsills, even with the windows closed. It's also noisy. I like the idea of the 'tunnel' solution and, of course, keeping the Promenade (which sometimes also vibrates when big trucks go by - and that is very concerning).
Love the reduction to 2 lanes with a shoulder, please keep this configuration and improve striping at ramps accordingly. Merge lanes would help. But ultimately, tear out the whole highway, send Manhattan-bound traffic on I-278 through the tunnel, and send Queens-bound traffic via I-678. If the highway must stay, make it an at-grade 6 lane road similar to West St in Manhattan. No more new or rebuilt interstates!
This whole intersection and area is so unfriendly and unsafe for biking. The lanes and islands become congested with bikes, including tourists on bikes, constantly. Needs more direct connections, protections, and clear markings and route signage!
Drive here daily, loved the reduced lanes with shoulders, it's way safer and saner. That said, tear out the whole highway, it's not worth keeping. Sincerely, a daily BQE commuter.
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