BQE North Feedback Map

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Meeker Ave - Leonard St - Frost St

Williamsburg and Greenpoint are ill-served by cut-through traffic. Make Meeker Avenue one travel lane in each direction and add separated bike lanes. Replace the parking with public space.

Street View
Williamsburg St West - Brooklyn Queens Expwy Et 31 Wb - Bedford Ave

Close this block of Williamsburg Street West to traffic. Otherwise, vehicles merge into the exit lane to turn left onto Wythe Avenue and cause backups.

Park Ave - Adelphi St - Clermont Ave

Reduce westbound Park Avenue to one travel lane, add bike and bus lanes, and replace the free car parking with public plazas.

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Brooklyn Queens Expressway - Brooklyn Queens Expwy Et 33 Eb - Bqe Eb Entrance Vandervoort Ave

there should be better bike access and safe ped crossing here

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Williamsburg St West - Flushing Ave - Williamsburg St West

This street should be closed to cars and only enable a bus route here. Cars should keep going through Kent and do a right turn on Flushing, otherwise this would only cause congestion, noise and danger to everyone not on a car.

Williamsburg St West - Williamsburg St West - Kent Ave

This street is redundant and should be a bus only street with the protected bike lane here. There are always too many cars and buses are always slowed by them. Also it makes it very noisy and polluted for all the bikes in the bike lane.

Bqe Eastbound Entrance Sands St - Brooklyn Queens Expressway - Sands St

This ramp is redundant. It unnecessarily endangers cyclists and pedestrians so drivers can save a few seconds...if they're lucky. Close it and send drivers to Tillary St. instead.

Ramp - Manhattan Bridge Approach - Manhattan Bridge Pedestrian Path

This off-ramp from the Manhattan Bridge is redundant and unnecessarily endangers people walking and riding bikes on Jay St. Close this ramp and force drivers to exit via Concord or Tillary streets

Bqe Eb Entrance Tillary St - Brooklyn Queens Expressway - Tillary St

The crooked cops at the 84th Precinct have turned the on-ramp into a parking lot for their personal vehicles. WTF?

Brooklyn Queens Expressway - Brooklyn Queens Expwy Et 30 Eb - Bqe Eb Entrance Tillary St

Tear down the highway. We don't need it or want it.

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