69;Mid-Term;East Bronx Shared E-scooter Program
Three separate maps focus on specific areas of the Cross Bronx study: west (Community Boards 4 and 5), central (Community Boards 3 and 6) and east (Community Board 9). This map shows the potential Short- and Mid- Term Concepts emerging from the Reimagine the Cross Bronx study in the western part of the study area.
Each icon represents a concept at a specific location or along a specific street. If you hover over a map icon, you can view a brief description of the associated concept.
The blue icons indicate Short-Term Concepts. Purple icons indicate Mid-Term Concepts. Long-Term Concepts, such as capping proposals and other concepts that will require complex engineering review and construction, are not represented in this map. Long-Term Concepts are detailed in our Draft Vision Document: https://www.crossbronx.info/sites/default/files/2024-10/draft-vision.pdf
69;Mid-Term;East Bronx Shared E-scooter Program
67;Short-Term;Seating: Planned street furniture installations
65;Short-Term;Capital safety improvements and wayfinding at Castle Hill Ave & Haviland Ave
64;Short-Term;Seating: Planned street furniture installations
63;Short-Term;Planned Phase II of Soundview bike network improvements
63;Short-Term;Planned Phase II of Soundview bike network improvements
61;Short-Term;Seating: Planned street furniture installations
57;Short-Term;Seating: Planned street furniture installations
55;Short-Term;Study bike improvements on Lafayette Ave
53;Short-Term;Study bike connections on Rosedale Ave
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