East-bound vehicles move at a very high rate of speed after driving along the curved, isolated section of road.
East-bound vehicles move at a very high rate of speed after driving along the curved, isolated section of road.
From 76th St to Rockaway Blvd, it is over 700' without a pedestrian crossing.
From Eldert Ln to 76th St, it is over 700' without a pedestrian crossing.
Protected bike lanes make streets safer for all users
All along Atlantic Avenue, cars block the sidewalk, seemingly with impunity. NYCDOT and the NYPD need to crack down on this. Sidewalks are public facilities, not places for auto repair shops to store cars at the expense of all other road users.
Poor zoning has left Atlantic Avenue dominated by auto repair shops. The city should strongly consider rezoning it for dense residential/mixed use development, which will make the streetscape much less hostile.
This massive intersection is too dangerous and could benefit from a roundabout. Every other city uses them, but NYC has been to shy to try them. In this age of Vision Zero, please make it work and try it out.
Wide distance to cross
Cars don't yield, hit people, and then drive away
Not enough time to cross. Add LPI
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