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East 43 St - Lexington Ave - 3 Ave

Drivers refuse to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk and regularly honk at pedestrians walking in the shared street. Additional signage is needed to make it clear they must share it with pedestrians. Or better yet just close the street.

East 43 St - Lexington Ave - 3 Ave

Please narrow the street entrance for drivers to force them to turn more slowly onto the street, at no point since this project has been implemented have a I seen a driver heed the 5 MPH speed limit. They must be forced by the physical layout of the street to enter slowly and then stay at a slow speed. The straight stretches of the street are far too long. These allow drivers to accelerate and break the speed limit, it also means that they do not yield to pedestrians, negating the very purpose of a shared street. Please vary the placement of parking areas and the large rocks to stop drivers from proceeding in a straight line. The straight-away should be two car lengths at the most.


It's very nice there.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
East 43 St - Lexington Ave - 3 Ave

I am wholly in favor of this proposal. Shared streets work well in Europe and should be encouraged here. Rather than add details like bollards, it has been shown to be more effective to remove visual cues that seem to favor vehicles. For example, in the middle of the street is a small public square area with granite paving. This paving could be extended out and the sidewalk made level with the whole street (no curb). This prioritizes the pedestrian and makes the few drivers allowed (deliveries) more alert. I pray this is a scheme to be extended throughout Manhattan!

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East 43 St - Lexington Ave - 3 Ave

To discourage drivers as using this street as a thru-street, should probably add bollards at one end to block thru-traffic.

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East 43 St - Lexington Ave - 3 Ave

Please make it absolutely clear that cars and trucks that are not making dropoffs are not allowed. Definitely add chicanes through here and expand as much pedestrian only space as possible. Thanks!

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East 43 St - Lexington Ave - 3 Ave

For this to be successful, drivers should not be allowed to traverse the street in a straight line. Forcing drivers to make very restricted sharp turns in limited space as they proceed along the street will force them to travel at slower speeds. Unless they risk damage to their vehicle, drivers will often disregard the rules and put others in danger. Aggressive chicanes for E 43rd St.

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