Drivers turning left onto Meeker from Monitor ignore the stop sign and do not look for pedestrians coming from their right. Please shorten the crosswalk and force drivers through a narrower passage to ensure they at least slow down and preferably stop.
N4 St should be turned into a Shared Street or Pedestrian Plaza. The intersection of N4 & Kent is SO DANGEROUS. Motor traffic should not be allowed to turn left onto N4 or to cross Kent here, it's always very unsafe.
Speeding trucks down a residential street. There is a sign at Nassau and Sutton that states "NO THRU TRUCKS" but they go through anyway. There are lots of families, kids, elderly on this block. Can we implement some speed bumps? Or better monitoring of the trucks?
Cars speed through Powers Street between Olive and Bushwick Ave when they see a green light at Bushwick. It's very dangerous, especially with a school and a senior housing building on these blocks.
Vehicles (trucks & cars) speed after stopping. In 2012, and 2017 - I have had two PARKED cars on the building side of the street - 100 ft from the curb, hit by speeding drivers and totaled. My car has been a complete loss twice within 5 years in the same exact parking spot. Cars notoriously speed after stopping. They put the gas pedal to the max. I have had fellow neighbors and citizens -complain, tell cars to slow down. There is no signage of a school the the end of this block. There are two speed bumps in the middle but they do little to slow down traffic at the beginning of the street. In both accidents, two cars were totaled - which means 4 totaled cars in the same spot within 5 years. ---- Raise the Crosswalks - turn them into a raised crosswalk like over by St. Stan on Driggs Ave. It will slow traffic immensely and deter trucks. Also CURVE the sidewalk on the PARK side out into Monitor to mirror the other side. It will deter cars from making tight turns while speeding after stopping.
Daily Trucks Ignore the "NO TRUCK TRAFFIC" sign posted on Monitor St. at Nassau Ave. Several Trucks go full speed after the stop sign now this block that includes PS110 public school. Large buses, cement mixers, auto transporters, large tour buses, etc.
The 2 signs clearly indicate NO THRU TRUCK TRAFFIC. Trucks use Kent Street all day and all night long. Trucks turning off of Manhattan Ave to get to McGuiness. My windows rattle all night long from speeding trucks speeding up at night to beat the red light that is at the end of the street. When the trucks don't make the light, they come to a screeching halt. This has to be monitored. The construction noise is loud enough during the day.
Obviously the pictures here were taken years ago before the condo boom at 5AM. All of Manhattan Ave. is overly congested with cars, pedestrians & trucks that have to supply stores. Trucks now having to sit in the middle of the street so that bikes can have a lane! WHY in the middle of this congested shopping area?? Get the bikes off the Ave. so that cars do not have to go into oncoming traffic over the double yellow lines!!!! This whole bike thing is insane. There are MANY nearby bike lanes they can travel without making an already overcrowded area absolutely dangerous!!!
Freeman between McGuinness & Manhattan Ave. Remove bike lane! Restore 'no truck route' signs that were there in the past! This 1 block has to deal with 2 buses now & extreme traffic off Pulaski. This street has had multiple accidents with buses hitting bikers, bikers going wrong way & bikers pretty much doing whatever they feel like.
Extreme traffic off Pulaski Bridge on Freeman between McGuinness & Manhattan Ave. Outside of this we now have 2 BUS ROUTES, TRUCKS including Bay Cranes going to their lot for the night, AND a BIKE LANE TOO!!!! This street has had multiple accidents with buses hitting bikers, trucks hitting poles & pulling down all overhead wires & cars running right into peoples homes!! This 1 block NEEDS SOME RELIEF!!!!
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