North Williamsburg Study Area

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Freeman St - Franklin St - Manhattan Ave

This map is old. There is too much going on Freeman St. This is a residential street that is increasingly being used as a cut through, over traveling on commercial McGuinness and Manhattan. There is heavy motorist traffic at rush hours, with buses and commercial vehicles taking over the highly utilized bike lane. Motorists travel too fast from the light and bikers go the wrong way. There are frequently double parked vehicles blocking or partially blocking the roadway. This is not a truck route street and measures should be taken to re-route non-local traffic, including buses.

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Wrong-way Cycling
Wrong-way Cycling
Driggs Ave - North 11 St - North 10 St

There is a lot of Cyclists traveling against traffic on Driggs from Manhattan Avenue till N 7th Street.

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Kent Ave - North 4 St - North 3 St

Since there is NO crosswalk from Metropoltian till N 5, this is an area where people cross one lane of traffic, one turning lane and 2 bike lanes. It is danagerous.

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Long Distance to Cross
Long Distance to Cross
Flushing Ave - Bushwick Houses Pedestrian Path - Bushwick Ave

The wide, four-way intersection of Flushing Ave and Bushwick Ave is densely trafficked with both commercial truck and commuter use. Drivers heading Northwest on Bushwick Ave gain speed as they descend down the hill.

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Weaving Vehicles
Weaving Vehicles
Union Ave - South 5 St - Meserole St

Extra wide parking lane, and on-curb driving to access both Gas Station and Car wash at this intersection makes for low visibility between drivers and other people using the street.

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Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Metropolitan Ave - Grand St - Grand St

Needed speed camera on the Metropolitan Ave Bridge - this is a street! Not a highway. Especially dangerous is the width and lack of visual lane markings.

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Brooklyn Queens Ep Et 32 A Wb - Brooklyn Queens Expressway - Williamsburg Bridge

Safer access to the Williamsburg Bridge for biking and the walkability at the intersection of South 4th St and Havemeyer St can't come soon enough.

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Too Many Placards
Too Many Placards
Union Ave - Keap St - Metropolitan Ave

Transit police precinct vehicles block sidewalk, handicapped ramps and hydrants

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Vehicles Parking in Bike Lane
Vehicles Parking in Bike Lane
Leonard St - Bayard St - Manhattan Ave

Vehicles block bike lane during school drop-off/dismissal times

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Trucks in Residential Area
Trucks in Residential Area
Humboldt St - Withers St - Frost St

Trucks use Humboldt St exit off BQE, operate illegally on residential street

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