Fifth Ave. and 3rd Street is a kind of neighborhood Town Square. It's central to a lot of people. Would be a good location.
Fifth Ave. and 3rd Street is a kind of neighborhood Town Square. It's central to a lot of people. Would be a good location.
There is far too much personal car ownership and automobile dependence in this upper part of Park Slope and not enough easy access to car-sharing or transit (especially since the MTA got rid of the bus route on PPW). There is a ton of demand for travel to and from Prospect Park and nowhere near enough on-street parking space to accommodate all of the people who drive to the park. Ninth Street is a two-way street and that seems like a good criteria for a car-share spot -- you can hop in your car and go in either direction. This upper section of 9th Street has plenty of capacity to accommodate whatever additional trips car-share might produce. I think this is a perfect spot for dedicated car-share parking, though, I fully expect the whining and complaining of Park Slope's powerful Free On-Street Parking Lobby to be OFF THE CHARTS. Hopefully you'll ignore them and push through.
I use Zipcar all the time and they are everywhere in Park Slope but none in Sunset Park where I live. And there is such a need for it. Why not include Sunset Park?
There should not be carshare spots on 3rd street, too many children cross the street to jj Byrne playground and we should not try to increase car traffic. Please place carshare spots on the metered spots on the avenues!
Why add to the problem in an overpopulated area. Smh enough of taking parking spaces away from Taxpayers who by the way pay for the upkeep of our roads. Some people depend on their cars daily. Instead of building more condos noone could afford how about adding a parking garage. I am even open to parking permits. Too many out of state plates
corner of Union & 6th Ave is well trafficked and well lit (so very safe and accessible). Empty storefront so a lost space wouldn't disrupt shoppers.
Yes, please! We strongly support dedicated Carsharing spaces. This is great for NYC!
Do you see extra parking here? It's already near impossible to find parking on 4th avenue and the sidestreets. Please move this further south (by prospect expwy).
There's a lone space between the bus stop & a fire hydrant. Very nice for a car share.
On either side of the Armory. You have less residents on these blocks, so it wouldn't be as disruptive to parking and still provide plenty of spots in near proximity to the park and many residents who do not have cars.
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