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Difficult Turn/Crossing
Difficult Turn/Crossing

There need to be signs stating the city's speed limit on foster ave between Utica Ave and Schnectady Ave. We need to have cameras for checking speed limits and giving tickets on this stretch of Foster Ave. Alot drivers are driving exceedingly fast in this area and it has become extremely dangerous to walk along this street. Besides camera, one other way of addressing the problem is to place a stop light at Foster Ave and East 49th Street.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers

Speeding traffic along New York Avenue at all hours. Road is too narrow south of Foster, so traffic becomes congested and drivers speed when road clears. Changes to traffic patterns here would have great benefit, including if bike lanes are added to give junction / commercial (Target) patrons access alternatives in the neighborhood.

Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested

Bike lane along New York Avenue would slow down speeding traffic along New York Avenue and better connect neighborhood residents with commercial destinations at the junction without the need for cars.

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Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers

Flatbush Ave. / Avenue H at the Target is HORRIFIC and dangerous. The lack of effective traffic management here is shameful and contributes to road rage and danger for pedestrians and cyclists.

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Bike lanes along Clarkson ave and Remsen ave are not needed. It’s a predominantly residential area for families of 4 and adding bike lanes will not only increase traffic but will take away parking that’s already almost non existent. The bike lanes will also cause more traffic for emergency vehicles and forcing cars to then double park more, and park on fire hydrants. I say “NO” to bike lanes in CB17.

Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers

This intersection is a warzone

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No Nearby Bike Route
No Nearby Bike Route

There's no east way to get to Prospect Park from any bike lane in CB17. The city is essentially cutting off an already park-starved neighborhood from an important recreational resource by not figuring out a safe route to connect us to the park.

Double Parking
Double Parking

The double parking issue at church and nostrand makes the road unsafe for drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. It's impossible to navigate during rush hour.

Vehicles Parking in Bike Lane
Vehicles Parking in Bike Lane

Too many vehicles double park in the bike lane route on Bedford avenue between Clarkson Ave and Snyder ave. This makes for incredibly dangerous conditions for cyclists! Again, all efforts should be considered to move bike lanes in between the sidewalk and parking lane. It happened on Flatbush avenue alongside the park, and it's working wonderfully.

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