Double parking of delivery and police vehicles - at times only one lane of moving traffic.
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to help identify ways to improve neighborhood curb regulations and programming to improve the overall transportation experience. Comments are now closed as we compile feedback and begin drafting a proposal to share.
Double parking of delivery and police vehicles - at times only one lane of moving traffic.
Shameful that DOT implemented "open streets" on Columbus and other bus routes, forcing bus detours. Mass transit is the priority - not more space for brunch or chalk drawings. People are ENTITLED to bus access. DOT needs to end "open streets" on avenues, bus routes.
This sidewalk is impossible to get through during peak times at the bars here. The crowds spill out of Tiki Chick and scream all night long. People need to be able to move across this chunk of sidewalk and its impossible with the current setup.
Cars parked illegally in front of senior citizens home. Makes it hard to load and unload passengers. Removes ability to load and unload items on the street as well
DOT has extended bus stops (yellow line and sign) for no reason. This is bad and confusing for bus riders. In these cases, bus stop signs are now far from the bus shelter. In some instances, extended bus stop line goes beyond the entrance to adjacent residential buildings. That means vehicles - even Access a Ride - dropping off/picking up are at a "bus stop". In some cases the extended bus stop goes beyond the "service" entrance of an adjacent building so now trash cannot be left in front of the building. Absurd. There is no reason to extend/double the size of bus stops - there was already plenty of room for buses to pull in. Extending bus stop demarcation is bad for bus riders and a huge waste of DOT money.
Bicyclists especially Citibike routinely endanger pedestrians. Bicyclists go through red lights, go the wrong way and ignore the bike lane. DOT should not be spending money to improve the bicycling infrastructure.
I'm commenting on your reimagining street space plans. Sorry, but streets are for vehicles and sidewalks are for pedestrians. It is not an enhancement of anyone's life to use road space for other purposes. With restaurant sheds, bike lanes, bike parking, and bus lanes, you are narrowing road space, taking away parking space for no reason, making the streets unsafe for pedestrians, and causing congestion. In short, you are making the city unlivable for middle class people. People have cars for good reason, e.g., work in other boroughs, need to get to a borough that transit doesn't service, disabled and elderly need to get to medical appointments, and so forth. It is ridiculous, untrue and racist to say that primarily a few white, wealthy people have cars. Many low income people have cars in order to reach jobs. Moreover, many minority people service cars. Eliminating or reducing cars would take away their livelihood and reduce their income.
DOT is creating chaos in our curb space by allowing for profit corporate citibikes, carshares and restaurants to use public tax payer maintained curb space. It is allowing Mark Gorton's Transportation Alternatives whose Tower Research, LLC makes money from investments in the above. This is not democracy. DOT's "outreach"to the community is a farce. We, on W103rd street, are quite aware of this that community "input" means nothing.
I'm really, really interested regarding how the upcoming DSNY trash pickup regs will affect space on all sidewalks in the neighborhood; esp. how much curb space will be dedicated to permanent or semi-permanent trash containers. These apartment buildings are seriously large, and many currently store trach in a back courtyard below street grade -- it's probably unrealistic to expect them to store large/bulky rodent-resistant trash containers off the street and then carry them up to street level several times a week. [Aside: the many shops around the corner on Columbus are already storing these large containers on the sidewalk, and they significantly reduce the space available to pedestrians/flaneurs.]
Utter lack of parking available to neighborhood residents. More and more curb uses are encroaching on space built for cars. The neighborhood will become yet more expensive as only those who can afford very expensive garages will be able to continue to live here. Working-class people, like me, need their car for work, yet can not pay for a garage.
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