The parking on this street is only used by a tiny fraction of residents. We should replace it with other street uses, such as wider sidewalks for better accessibility, plantings, community gardens, theft-proof bike parking, or art.
The parking on this street is only used by a tiny fraction of residents. We should replace it with other street uses, such as wider sidewalks for better accessibility, plantings, community gardens, theft-proof bike parking, or art.
The parking on this street is only used by a tiny fraction of residents. We should replace it with other street uses, such as wider sidewalks for better accessibility, plantings, community gardens, theft-proof bike parking, or art.
The pedestrian crossings in the bowtie are not well thought out, and make crossing the intersection require either waiting for several lights or jaywalking. We should change the light timing to prioritize pedestrian efficiency. As a concrete example of one issue, crossing from the southern subway island between broadway and amsterdam at 71st st to the plaza west of amsterdam south of 71st street is a very common journey. There are two options: 1. Cross broadway after the light, and then wait for that very long light to change - or jaywalk, as the light stays on a long time for a left turn from amsterdam that happens very rarely 2. Cross 71st to the island, but this requires crossing a huge sea of asphalt which feels very unsafe, and then requires waiting another slow light cycle to cross amsterdam
Crossing the street as a pedestrian has become an on-going challenge. One can barely see the street past all the restaurant sidewalk sheds that block your view of traffic, bikes - particularly electric delivery bikes constantly go the wrong way on the avenues and do not honor stop lights.The sidewalk sheds have made the sidewalks too crowded and difficult to negotiate. There needs to be some order restored - perhaps licensing delivery bikes for ticketing and further removal of sidewalk sheds.
When the street sweeper comes most cars sit and idle filling the block (and our living room) with exhaust and engine noise.
I feel much safer since these concrete pedestrian islands/bump-outs on this corner were added! They increase visibility, prevent illegal parking, and decrease driver speeds when turning. I wish they were on every corner!
Sidewalks like the north side of this street are narrow and difficult for two-way traffic, especially with strollers and other mobility devices. Consider adding more sidewalk space for the 4 in 5 UWS residents that do not have a private vehicle/use the public right-of-way for private vehicle storage.
Sidewalk is very narrow, making two-way pedestrian traffic difficult especially with strollers or other mobility devices.
There are police cars parked on the sidewalk (perpendicular to the street) that take up most of the pedestrian space. There is also regularly a large pile of trash inside of fences on the sidewalk that's unsightly and unhygienic. Both are disrespectful to the neighborhood. In an acknowledgement of the disrespect these actions have the precinct removed all these cars and trash from the sidewalk temporarily while the governor visited the Saint Volodymyr.
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