Constant Amazon package sorting on Columbus Ave within 1 block of 86 street. Often just north or south on the west side of the street.
Double and illegal parking by cops, firefighters, and trucks on Columbus Ave make it a one-lane road most of the day. It should be designed accordingly, narrowed to reflect the actual operating conditions, and make it safe for the endless streams of children and older residents who live along the corridor.
Do not reduce vehicle parking! We need a residential permit parking system - even more important with congestion pricing coming.
The speed with which bike move through here nevwr slowing for pedestrians has become an unmanageable mess.
Bikes motorized or not are a danger to everyone walking. RArely are lights, stop signs, slow elderly walkers, mothers with carriages given a break. Parking is not the issue, long or short term. The other issue is buses not able to pull into bus stops creating a hazard for passengers getting off.
Trying to go uptown in this area by bike is impossible. You have to either illegally ride the wrong way down Central Park West, or go all the way to Amsterdam Ave.
Bikes going both directions (N, S) in 1 way bike lane, bikes ignoring traffic lights, people on Citibikes swerving from W 73rd into pedestrian walkway and onto apple bank to park bike.
This whole intersection is crowded and complicated, with vehicle traffic intersecting from Broadway, Amsterdam, and 72nd, and pedestrian traffic from the subway. Pedestrians often have to zigzag across multiple crosswalks to get to their destination, or cross long crosswalks at odd angles to traffic.
The M86-SBS bus heading west turns right here, often edging into the crosswalk while pedestrians are crossing. This creates limited visibility for the pedestrians. Also, this is generally a busy intersection with long crosswalks, fast-moving traffic, and lots of pedestrians.
This is a big intersection with traffic coming from multiple directions. Cars coming off the transverse are often going fast. The crosswalks across CPW also cross a bike lane with bikes frequently going the wrong way.
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