Due to the sheds and long term construction there is no where for a quick drop off/ pick up via cab or delivery. The one open, safe area to get in or out of a car just got filled with a random permanent concrete platform - that is always filled with trash or debris. We have lived on this corner for 10 years and it’s such a shame that it’s not even safe to get out of a cab anymore due to bikers, double parking, construction and regular drivers.
I live on this block. The entire south side of the block has No Parking at any time. That is a huge waste of public space. Please open this block up to very badly needed public parking, the same as the north side of this block!
No space to walk ever, especially because of all the trash that piles up outside of Shake Shake.
Double parking
Tons of double parking here. The food sheds take up so much space and no one ever uses the sheds on the west facing side of 80th. There is barely any room to walk on the sidewalk
shake shack and the restaurant next to it are both permanent enclosed sidewalk cafes. why do these restaurants get to take up valuable sidewalk space. are there permits ever reviewed ever? this space should be reclaimable or the sidewalk made larger and street space taken. there is very little space left for people to walk at all.
I have lived on UWS (renter) for 10 years, and have watched so many problems develop, it makes me sad and the neighborhood I love has gone downhill so much, including so many beloved small businesses priced out of their rent. Please hear residents/owners/renters. Restaurant sheds were created due to COVID--they block sidewalks, impeded pedestrians and bikes and cars, and they are no longer needed. There are plenty of restaurants for people to eat in, they don't need higher seating capacity. It has now become private restaurants permanently taking over public space. Remove them and make them loading zones for deliveries and legit service vehicles etc (and put some parking back if possible). We also do not need "green space" etc places for people to sit in curb areas of busy streets--we need safe pedestrian passing and safe bike lanes and more (not less) parking for cars. It is double-parking, not parking, that slows traffic, and double-parking rules need to be enforced. Also police should not break the rules with their cars that they are supposed to enforce. I do not keep a car in the city, but people have the right to have a vehicle for their family and be able to park it--I feel bad for my neighbors who cannot find parking, and have to move their cars twice a week for street cleaning etc. Please do not give sidewalk and curb space to restaurants, and please do not take away parking. I am all for less drivers on the streets (use subway and taxis etc) but that is different than taking away parking--most people i know who keep a car do so to drive to visit family in other locations or for special outings, they are not the problem daily in the streets. Double parking is the biggest problem.
the Westside of Manhattan needs more parking for residents not less with "delivery" areas being carved out of parking spaces or restaurants being allowed to take over our streets and sidewalks. Vote NO on this very ill advised "smart curbs" idea. I own a car and live on the Upper Westside and most tenants in my building also own cars and park on the streets so I don't know who did the research on who parks on the upper Westside, but they need to look closer. Congestion pricing will indeed make Westside parking more difficult PARTICULARLY FOR WESTSIDE RESIDENTS who park on the streets near our apartments. Not everyone can afford an expensive garage. I don't want a city where only the ultra wealthy can afford to live and park the cars they need.
In general, it would be great to have more public space in our neighborhood for pedestrians and focus more on designing space for people vs vehicles.
Constant curb parking by police vehicles and their private cars they take to work. Crowded sidewalk because of curb parking. Constant double parking.
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