Crowded sidewalk because of cars, congestion, small sidewalk space on south side of street.
Rental cars take up the majority of this street. I have written to city counsel about this. They take up the street, double park, and cause constant congestion making the street loud with horns and angry drivers. They do not move the cars for the street sweeper - so the street is a complete mess. Assuming they just eat the cost of the “No Standing” zone tickets, if they receive them (not sure the deal with the city) Something needs to be done. 3 rental car agencies on one block that is already congested with a post office, fire station, and school.
Illegal parking from postal workers, police, rental cars, and firefighters. Cars park up on the curb. Incentive needs to be taken public transit to work, live closer to your work, or pay for city employee parking garages.
Trash is always stacked all over the sidewalks which looks horrible and causes rats. Would be great to have enclosed bins for trash pickup.
Harvest kitchen crowds the sidewalk with the outdoor seating attached to the restaurant pushing too far out on the East side of the sidewalk and their street dining having lots of waiters pass through to the west side of the sidewalk. There is very limited space for pedestrians.
Construction at NY historical society has traffic down to one lane and is causing trucks and cars to pull up onto the sidewalk.
Crossing Central Park west is very unsafe with motorized bikes going in both directions
Bicycles running red lights constantly! Everyday I’m almost run down by bikes as I try to cross CPW to get to park at ALL STREET CORNERS. Bicyclists do not obey the traffic lights. How many pedestrians need to be hit & hurt?! Thanks for asking now do something please
This is an off-the-curb related comment for the bike lane on Amsterdam Avenue between 72 and 86 street. For both those familiar and unfamiliar with this area, the electric bikes are like a death trap - going too fast, in the wrong direction, and not respecting red lights. There is zero law enforcement, even when the police are present, so riders constantly ignored the rules. Is this to be the new-normal forever?
Restaurant sheds here are great. People complaining about them are wrong. Sheds improve quality of life, give people jobs, help keep restaurants alive, increase tax revenue, and reduce the number of empty storefronts. Giving away free parking to the few car owners does nothing for the vast majority of people in the neighborhood. At least switch to a resident parking pass that costs at least $2400/year so that parking generates revenue and is reserved for residents. Offer discounts for people with disabilities.
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