Please add a bike lane to the 86th St Transverse. As a casual cyclist, the transverse is extremely daunting to traverse on bike and there is currently no other safe, short way to cross the park.
Lack of southbound bike lane on CPW leads to many cyclists traveling against traffic in the bike lane. This creates an unsafe environment for all road users. Please consider adding a southbound bike lane on CPW.
Very narrow space between Elea's outdoor patios makes two-way pedestrian traffic difficult and inaccessible.
Very narrow sidewalks makes two-way pedestrian traffic very difficult and is an accessibility issue.
Police permanently parking on sidewalk is unsightly and narrows sidewalk space.
Almost always a car parked on the sidewalk during business hours from nearby car rental agencies.
Huge, ugly, open dumpster here year-round. Frequently overflowing with garbage bags.
Need a bus stop on the SE corner of West 72nd and Amsterdam. It is too hard for seniors to cross to SW side of W 72 and Broadway, and too far to walk over to W 72 and Columbus. There was a stop here during construction for a while, and it was wonderful!
The Smart Curbs effort will be wonderful, if and only if there is strict enforcement especially with respect to double parking for all delivery vehicles. Otherwise, this will simply be a taking away of curbside space and an attempt at raising revenue without attacking the fundamental issue of traffic movement.
There is now frequently an extremely large volume of cars driving west on W 75th Street from Columbus Avenue; it seems that this is largely driven by a large volume of cars turning right from Columbus onto 75th. This large volume of cars, combined with frequent double-parking, loading/unloading, and other obstructions on West 75th between Columbus and Amsterdam (which is a narrow residential block with parking on both sides of the street), has led to a major problem of cars "getting stuck" and honking all day long on this block. This constant honking is a significant quality of life for residents of this block, many of whom work from home and most of whom do not own cars.
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