Do not create dedicated bus lanes. Why: Bus lanes aren’t always in use and restrict traffic to fewer lanes than necessary. If measures are implemented to minimize double parking, buses shouldn’t be hampered by other traffic.
Curbside dining sheds should be seasonal and of a consistent size and design. Restaurants should have to pay to use curb space for their sheds. Pricing should be commensurate with the rent of their restaurant. Why: curbside sheds are basically a land-grab by restaurants to expand their capacity and restaurants currently have no incentive to optimize the use of that space. These sheds deprive locals of parking spots and the city of parking revenue.
Convert hydrant spots into 5-minute free parking spots for loading / unloading passengers / goods only. After the 5 free minutes, those spots should automatically fine/ bill people a large sum so people don’t overstay. Emergency vehicles should be able to evict any car parked at a hydrant in cases of emergency. Any double parking should be treated as a fineable traffic violation. Why: while hydrant spots are essential, they are rarely utilized for emergencies (thankfully) and either sit empty or people simply stay with their cars parked there for long periods of time. Meanwhile, cars/ taxis wanting to load and unload quickly, keep double and triple parking and blocking traffic. Taxis also often swerve and stop suddenly anywhere in the street to pick up fares, putting other drivers and pedestrians at risk; dedicated pickup and drop of spots will help address this behavior. Create dedicated spots every couple of blocks on each avenue for delivery vehicles to load and unload at specified times of the day. The delivery vehicles should pay to park in these spots. Outside of delivery hours, each spot could convert to two or three car parking spots. Why: Delivery vehicles clog the streets by double parking and blocking off areas to around them to unload packages and reload them on trolleys for delivery. The delivery companies should pay their fair share of using our curbs/ streets.
All bikes (motorized and pedal) should require licenses with digital tags and be required to follow traffic rules (direction of travel, lights etc) with offenders being fined using sensors and cameras. Why: bikers, especially e-bikers, don’t follow traffic rules and have been causes for many near misses and outright accidents.
UWS Smart Curbs Project I own a car and am totally willing to pay for space in my own neighborhood. We are virtually the only major city in the US that does not issue resident parking permits for a nominal annual fee. If car owners cannot afford $300-400 per year to park on the street, they probably cannot afford to keep a car. There are relatively few car owners on the UWS and we should be paying something for using everyone else's public space.
We need covered trash/recycling bins for better sidewalk use.
Resident parking permits need to be instituted
The amount of double and triple parking creates major blockages. I'd like illegal parking to be reduced
On West 87h Street and West End Avenue--and throughout the neighborhood--it is now like the Wild West because bikers of all kinds act like outlaws. The CitiBike stand at the corner has caused havoc on our block as bike riders come down the wrong way on a one-way street, threatening pedestrians and potentially causing car accidents as cars swerve to avoid them.
Get rid of street parking on this street. Nobody is forced to have a car in NYC that they can park for free all day.
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