Convert the bike lane to a floating parking-protected bike lane. The UWS needs more parking spaces for residents.
Implement a residential parking permit system! Please do NOT take away any parking spaces for residents! It is already difficult for residents to find parking as-is. We have no issue with reallocating curb space on the major avenues (Broadway, Amsterdam, Columbus), but do NOT take away parking on side streets!
We absolutely must have street parking. Just because we own a car, doesn’t mean we can afford $1220 month for a garage space. I need my car to get to work out of the city. If I can’t park on the street, I’ll be forced to move out of the only home my children have ever known.
Provide pedestrian scramble (diagonal intersection) at 81st and Amsterdam (since this is a 4-way walk signal).
Parking spaces are incredibly vital to middle class families in this neighborhood. Please do not remove any parking spaces on side streets for residents.
Someone keeps spamming about parking being used by a minority of residents while instead want to take that badly needed PUBLIC space away from the community for bike storage (that literally nobody would use), or random plants that belong on the sidewalk. This hateful, elitist rhetoric against hard working families that rely on vehicles is getting out of control. Every inch of that curb space is utilized 100% of the time by the public. It does not discriminate and can be used by residents, workers and visitors alike. Curb space is NOT the place for random planters that benefit nobody, bike storage that nobody would ever use (we have citibike!!!), or any other ridiculous ideas like tables and chairs that nobody would ever sit on when there are cafes on every block! These spiteful anti-car comments are ridiculous. Please don’t turn this into an anti-car spectacle that will pit the community against each other with the vast majority being strongly opposed to removing sorely needed parking, proven by the impossibility of finding adequate parking spots.
It is dangerous to cross here because of dining shacks that go right up to the crosswalk on both sides of the street. They are never used and should be dismantled.
Please research how often bike parking racks are used. They aren’t! And the last place they should be placed is on the curb taking badly needed parking space that is always being utilized. They can easily be placed against a building on a sidewalk. “Daylighting” is not an issue on the UWS with cars. Lived here many years with my wife and toddler. We all know how to look both ways for cars. Cars literally always stop at red lights. It’s the bikers that are the problem.
Someone said they want more public space for “people” has opposed to vehicles. Who do you think uses those vehicles? Are they robots? People need that space which is utilized 24/7 for sorely needed and sparsely available public parking. We don’t need a random table with chairs in the middle of the curb space on random blocks for people to be sitting and drinking lattes like it’s some make up utopia. This would NEVER happen. Look at the catastrophe of 103rd street. Despite public opposition DOT removed community parking spaces and put large boulders and tables in the street. NODODY uses that space for anything. What an outrageous use of resources.
Bike lanes on broadway would be absolutely ridiculous. There are dedicated bike lanes on Amsterdam and Columbus. Broadway should be left alone unless DOT’s mission is to make transportation a nightmare for residents and visitors alike! Pandering to the 1% who refuse to take widely available public transit and have an aversion to cars and feel they have some god-given right to bike in protected bike lanes on every single road is the worst possible use of public funds and space. DOT should serve the people, not a fringe minority.
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