Ponding is an issue under the Linden Blvd. overpass and causes a hazard the right hand lane when it rains.
Ponding is an issue under the Linden Blvd. overpass and causes a hazard the right hand lane when it rains.
Please implement the city alternate side cleaning rules. Trucks, vans and cars sometimes without any plates are parked indefinitely in a residential area.
All commercial trucks for the mall including Target and BJ's go down Erskine street and not by Fountain Ave as they supposed to. These deliveries are made between 11pm and 4am and you could feel the house moving when they pass. This is annoying and has to stop immediately.
More B84
Since I’m a corner homeowner and live at a three way stop sign juncture,I cannot help but notice the street racing on the weekends and stop sign blowers. I would like to see speed bumps or speed traps installed to discourage the activity in a residential area filled with children, pets and the elderly.
Drivers not only speed on the block sometimes they go the wrong way because Egan Street goes from a one way to two way street and this should be adjusted to make it one way straight through
This street is used for trucks and mini vans and whatever else can stay without any consequence for being parked there days without any end. Not only do you have to deal with the trucks being parked there for weeks, it is also used as a dumping ground for garbage. Disgraceful!!!
DOT signs needs to be revised. This is a one way street with 2 way driving due to street closures on Ashford and Schroeders Ave. Speeding is a major problem.
Vehicles and trucks to not adhere to the stop sign. this occurs all hours of the day especially at night and on Saturdays !!!
Road way too narrow, now that new residents are parking along side the road which leaves 1 lane for traffic. when vehicles are double parked and car are in the turning lane no one can get by which causes congestion.
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