It's almost like DOT WANTS people to get hurt here--especially biking. Bloods on your hands if the community says take away lanes of traffic and you do nothing... Take away the a lane of traffic and build a bike lane that's actually protected.
Shitty drivers speeding here all the time. Just a matter of time till they kill more people.
Can we get rid of the highway already and just build a road? Just do it already.
Seems like a no-brainer to me that there be fewer lanes of traffic here. I've seen the petitions going around for and against this and it makes sense to take out the traffic lanes. If you build it they will come--so unbuild it and they'll go away! Too many cars go through this neighborhood and they don't even live here!
I completely support removing lanes of traffic from here. It's time Greenpoint became a community again and this road just splits the community in half.
This is a DISGRACE of an intersection. There's a school next to a highway. What were people thinking to allow a highway to be built next to a school. This is an accident waiting to happen, oh wait, accidents happen all the time. Terrible and unsafe.
I always see drivers being obnoxious here. It feels like a highway here and I don't know why it's necessary to speed to just to get to a red light...
No good way for bikes or pedestrians to cross McGuinness to the pedestrian/bike lane section of the bridge from the east.
Es muy peligroso para los ciclistas aqui. Uso mi bici para para ir a mi trabajo y la verdad no me siento seguro para nada.
A protected bike lane that connects McGuinness to Meeker Ave to the Kosciuszko Bridge would make my commutes much easier, convenient, and safer. We need fewer cars misusing McGuinness as a thru route who don't live/work/do business in the neighborhood.
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