Feedback Map - Routes

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Cycling Route Zoom Out Icon
Cycling Routes
Manhattan Ave - Frost St - Meeker Ave

McGuinness would be shortest NB route coming from South Williamsburg via Manhattan Av, Eckford St going up Pulaski Br, but current configuration requires riding on sidewalk or dangerous crossings/car-lane rides

Typical or Current Pedestrian Trip Icon
Typical or Current Pedestrian Trip
Kingsland Ave - North Henry St - Deadend

McGuinness currently acts as a major barrier to accessing the Newtown Creek nature walk or to walk across the Pulaski Bridge and enjoying LIC. More lighting along the blvd and under the bridge would help a lot.

Typical or Current Pedestrian Trip Icon
Typical or Current Pedestrian Trip
Nassau Ave - Russell St - North Henry St

On a nice day it is really nice to walk along all the parks and open streets of the neighborhood. Even when its not a nice day, I go to plenty of stores along Nassau. Crossing Nassau Av should be a lot safer to encourage people to stroll around.

Cycling Route Zoom Out Icon
Cycling Routes
West St - Freeman St - Eagle St

The Brooklyn Greenway and Pulaski bridge bike lanes need to be connected with another protected bike lane. This should also include an extension of the greenway down Commercial St like the DOT originally planned for. There are hundreds of new residents there and they need better options than driving to get around.

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Newel St - Nassau Ave - Norman Ave

Nassau Ave already has heavy traffic with the bus stops and people parking, but now with no left turns! Why! What sense does this make? What study was conducted? It only causes even more back up. Worst all these people will now use the adjacent very narrow streets to get around this nonsense. Good job backing up tons of cars onto residential streets.

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Norman Ave - Mcguinness Boulevard - Brooklyn

There has been an abundance of traffic backup since the left turn ban has gone into effect. I was blocked by an ambulance last night ! Very dangerous and unnecessary

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
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Nassau Ave - Mcguinness Boulevard - Mcguinness Boulevard

There's a delayed traffic light at Eckford, and no left turns allowed from McGuiness onto Nassau. There is a lot of traffic.

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Mcguinness Boulevard - Norman Ave - Nassau Ave - Brooklyn

Please add a median barrier to encourage pedestrians to safely cross the street at the crosswalk. It’s dangerous to pedestrians and drivers when people cross the street in the middle of a block!

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
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Mcguinness Boulevard - Nassau Ave - Brooklyn

Left turn bans are in effect as of yesterday along McGuinness Blvd between Norman and Nassau. The back log of traffic is delaying this ambulance from reaching its destination to respond to an emergency.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
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Mcguinness Boulevard - Nassau Ave - Brooklyn

Ambulance was caught in a traffic jam due to the banning of left turns on McGuinness Blvd. This occurred on McGuinness and Nassau this evening, just ONE day after implementation of the left turn ban.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form

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