despite the small "no trucks" & the "no turns" signs for trucks, 55' tractor trailers continue to turn WEST onto norman ave from mcguiness blvd. blocking crosswalks, clipping trees, hitting parked cars. they cross my n front of ps 34, grammar school, the public library, doctors offices, small businesses, & private homes. the school crossing guards are powerless to control these violations. it is extremely dangerous to pedestrians, older folks, and school children. why can't the police or traffic control be present to enforce the traffic laws & protect our children & citizens?
norman ave between mcguiness blvd & ekford st. early in the morning, from 8am to 9am and again at 2pm to 3pm school busses need to drop off & pick up children on norman ave in front of ps 34 grammar school. there is no one present to control the traffic created at these times. the school crossing guards are powerless to control traffic. car horns are blasting, crosswalks are blocked, spilling out into mcguiness blvd & blocking mcguiness. why can't the police or traffic control be present at these times in order to direct traffic more effectively? ______________________________
as a pedestrian using the crosswalk heading on Nassau wether it’s east or west. There is always an issue with drivers turning either north or south from Nassau. The are always impatient and sometimes do not bother to look for pedestrians crossing and end up hitting people or nearly hitting people. I’ve literally had to jump out of the way to dodge a car once and everytime I cross it feels more dangerous then other streets.
We need more bike lanes! For safety and increase mobility opportunities for those without cars
With new businesses and additional residential apartments on this stretch of the block, double parking often occurs. There needs to be a loading zone here to stop truck idling and double parking.
The Key Foods delivery bay is a huge problem on this corner of McGuinness & Manhattan. Their deliveries show up during key commute times (6 am - 8 am) causing huge congestion on McGuinness and causing trucks to idle for long periods of time. Frustrated drivers wait for huge delivery vehicles to pull into Key Foods, blocking the entirety of the northbound traffic lanes. The additional idling and honking caused by these deliveries are extremely frustrating for all residents in the area.
Very noisy, all day, all night! Way too many trucks passing by.
This section of McGuinness is often as noisy as highway with heavy trucks and other traffic speeding through. Reduce it to one lane each direction and it could be a beautiful neighborhood space!
Traffic from Nassau turning left onto mcguinness in both directions often leads to dangerous uncertainty and limited visibility, reckless driving to speed through intersection ahead of other traffic. Other cars frequently swerve out of lanes to pass turning cars. Needs some kind of staggered light or other improved traffic control.
We need a two-way bike lane for the entire length of mcguinness. It’s currently not safe, and the city needs to make non-car traffic a massive priority to reduce emissions and improve neighborhood quality of life.
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