Heavy trucks on small residential street. Squealing brakes early every morning.
There needs to be better pedestrian crossing here on Broome crossing McGuinness. Cars waiting on the car wash business are always blocking Broome St going toward Graham.
We need more North/South bike lanes on east side of McGuinness.
Bikes do not belong on McGuinness blvd. It is a major commercial thorough fare connecting Brooklyn and Queens. Cyclist have taken over everywhere else. This need to remain a two lane Blvd so trucks and cars do not cause congestion on the smaller residential streets. This a made up problem by cyclist who refuse to wear helmets and do not know how to ride in traffic and share the road. changing McGuinness Blvd will be an unmitigated disaster for Greenpoint .
I lived here for over twenty years never had problems until the last few. The real problem and it is not from cars. If you are serious about safety, get rid of the bikes, scooters, and motorcycles on the sidewalks. You cannot walk down McGuinness Bvld without having to look out for multitude of people on bikes of all kinds constantly riding on the sidewalk and not the street where they belong. They are even are going in the wrong direction, against traffic, through red lights and never care about who else is around them. This is especially dangerous at night. They act like they should have the right away, they don't even acknowledge what they are doing is wrong. Its disgusting. They are the real danger, and nothing not even your comment topics, address this constant menace for those of us who walk. You need and ad bitz to educate the transients about the law and rules of the road.
Need to do more to slow down speeders. The speed limit is disregarded. Need more speed traps.
Angle and plants block view for left hand turn heading north on corner of Driggs
Consistent speeding and illegal loud cars
There are delivery trucks, taxis/Ubers, and other vehicles double parked throughout the day. MnGuinness southbound essentially becomes a one-lane street as everyone has to crossover into the left lane, causing dangerous and aggressive driving. As the entrances to most of these residential buildings are on McGuinness, there should be spaces blocked off for trucks/taxis so that they do not back-up traffic. This seems like common sense and the city should not allow construction of these buildings without blocking off a few street parking spaces so trucks/taxis can safely go about their business and not block traffic.
The left turn onto driggs from McGuinnes is very dangerous due to large plants in the median. The plants make it almost impossible to see the oncoming traffic down mcguinnes. I have an suv and it’s hard to see in that, much less in a smaller car. It also forces drivers to make quick decisions which could then harm a biker or pedestrian. This seems like such an easy fix to me!! Just remove a few of the plants!
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