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Nassau Ave - Mcguinness Boulevard - Brooklyn

I cross McGuiness every day. I feel safe because I wait for the light and look both ways. But all I see are bikes that don't stop and pedestrians sprinting. It's the only street in our neighborhood (other than Manhattan Ave) that you really have to stop and pay attention. People blame the street, not themselves, for being unsafe!

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Aggressive Biking
Aggressive Biking
Mcguinness Boulevard - Driggs Ave - Nassau Ave - Brooklyn

I'm a longtime Greenpoint resident and I do not want any changes to McGuinness Boulevard in terms of adding a bike lane, removing driving lanes or parking lanes, or doing anything else that will lead to traffic congestion on McGuinness. Cyclists deserve safe places to ride their bikes, but drivers and pedestrians deserve safe spaces too. And there are a lot more drivers and pedestrians than cyclists. And I am a cyclist as well. I simply don't ride on McGuinness. There's no need. There are other, safer side streets to use, some of which have bike lanes already. Getting to the Pulaski Bridge is not a problem at all despite what others might say. Conversely, if you look at McGuinness right now you will see vehicles constantly using it. I've sat at the patio section of the restaurant at the corner of Nassau and McGuinness anywhere from 5pm to 10pm and McGuinness is literally a constant stream of vehicles. Where do you think all of that volume will go if you eliminate travel lanes? It will flood the rest of the neighborhood. We'll see speeding cars and big trucks on side streets all day and night. The volume is not going to go away, it will just spread somewhere else. How is that safe or fair for all of the people who live on blocks anywhere near McGuinness Boulevard? McGuinness Boulevard was designed to attract traffic volume, to be a connector between the Pulaski Bridge and the BQE. It's functioning as it was intended, and in doing so it spares the rest of the community from dealing with those vehicles, especially the trucks. This is a dedicated truck route so that other streets can be free of them. And honestly, shame on cyclists for putting their desires ahead of the public good. Not everyone can ride a bike. If you're old, infirm, have physical disabilities, or if you don't like riding in the freezing cold on icy roads in the winter or in the sweltering heat of the summer, then bike lanes on McGuinness won' help you. Instead, this proposal would take away public space that is already heavily utilized and dedicate it to a small segment of healthy, able-bodied young adults. That's ablist thinking, and it's actionable.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Mcguinness Boulevard - Norman Ave - Brooklyn

We strongly recommend the dot rethinks any road diet on McGuinness blvd. There will be trucks pummeling down the residential blocks. Bike lanes do not belong on McGuinness and the speed limit should be back to 30 mph

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Mcguiness Boulevard - Nassau Ave - Norman Ave - Brooklyn

Please do NOT do this and reduce the driving lanes on Mcguinness. This is NOT smart and not the best way to go about making McGuiness safer. This will only cause an unnecessary burden to the neighboring streets and small businesses, which are struggling to survive as it is because of the pandemic. What happened to the school teacher was a tragedy but this will not solve the problem, it will cause more air and noise pollution, as mcguinness is ALREADY busy and filled with traffic, especially during rush hour. Therefore, decreasing lanes will make it impossible for residents who live in the community to get home! As well as it’ll disrupt small business owners from getting their food delivered because it’ll disrupt their daily operations of getting what they need to their business in a time manner. I know because my family has had a small business for over 20+ years and it is difficult to find parking and get by already. There are other ways to go about making mcguiness safer- you can add more traffic mitigating/speeding reducing safety measures but taking away travel lanes to add bikes lanes is a mistake and will make it more chaotic. Lastly, this will affect the neighboring residential streets because with all the traffic on mcguiness, more cars and trucks will be forced to take side streets which families live on- the spillage of vehicles will cause more traffic and noise for them - you would be making it harder for the actual residents of the community to get home, because the residents in this community USE CARS! I just find this new safety plan very ironic because it seems the majority of people supporting it are people who are not long term residents and have lived here for 5 years or less. Which are new, young residents - different demographic then the Long term residents with families and young children and the elderly- this would disrupt them. Please find another way and DO NOT add bike lanes and enforce this plan!

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Trucks in Residential Area
Trucks in Residential Area
Apollo St - Vandervoort Ave - Nassau Ave

Need enforcement via camera of illegal truck traffic which is constant. The city will make a lot of money. Outreach should be conducted beforehand to local businesses that are the source of much of the traffic to remind them of the proper routes for trucks.

Connector - Mcguinness Boulevard - Pulaski Bridge

Please do not make McGuinness any narrower than it is. Local businesses, many of which employ blue-collar workers in unglamorous but necessary occupations, rely on vehicular traffic and deliveries. Eliminating a lane of traffic will hurt those businesses and divert truck traffic to neighboring quiet residential streets. Bike lanes should go north-south on Newel, Leonard, and Eckford, not on McGuinness itself.

Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
Mcguinness Boulevard - Green St - Freeman St

Please add a physically protected bike lane on McGuinnes Blvd connecting the Pulaski Bridge to Meeker Ave. There's currently no safe north-south bike route through greenpoint (Manhattan Ave is currently the only option and it is terrifying to ride a bike on)

Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers
Mcguiness Boulevard - India St - Brooklyn

Cars here always run the red lights on mcGuinness. We need red light cameras

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Bike Lane Requested
Bike Lane Requested
Mcguiness Boulevard - India St - Brooklyn

McGuiness is completely unsafe for people on bikes. We need to reduce lanes for car traffic and install a real (actually protected, by physical barriers that cars cannot drive through or over) protected bike lane on McGuinness.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Mcguinness Boulevard - Java St - India St - Brooklyn

Reducing lanes of vehicle traffic on McGuinness would be a total DISASTER. Please don't do this. This will not return the tragically lost life and will not prevent another late night driver with no regard for life speeding and mowing somebody; however, it will severely punish 99.999999999% of safe, law abiding drivers who use McGuinness, which is at capacity as is, every day. This vital local connector became even more vital with constant westbound traffic on BQE exacerbated by the double deck lane reduction. Pollution, traffic, time waste, shortcut seeking and aggravation will infinitely increase. Existing bike connections to Pulaski bridge are much safer, use quieter streets and will continue to be preferred by cyclists even if a protected bike lane replaces a lane of traffic on McGuinness. Please leave McGuinness traffic configuration as is, and add safety measures to slow down traffic late night, when the only opportunity to drive unsafely exists in the first place.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form

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