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Mcguinness Boulevard - Greenpoint Ave - Calyer St - Brooklyn

I think narrowing the car lanes to add more bike lanes will be a death trap for bikers. I would never drive my bike on it. . Mcguinness blvd is used as an artery for personal driving and business deliveries. If narrowed they will all use the side streets. This is a city that we choose to live in. Even though I don’t drive I understand the importance of having a big blvd for keeping traffic moving. As a local business owner this will definitely affect our orders.

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Aggressive Biking
Aggressive Biking
Driggs Ave - Mcguinness Blvd South - Mcguinness Boulevard

Cyclists and e-bike riders routinely fail to follow vehicle traffic laws governing operation of these types of vehicles. Chronic failure to yield to pedestrians, obey traffic control devices (stop signs, traffic lights, etc) lead to ongoing dangers to community members

Mcguinness Boulevard - Nassau Ave - Brooklyn

I strongly support the pedestrian and cyclist safety and traffic calming measures advocated for by the Make McGuinness Safe organization - including reducing motor vehicle traffic to one lane in either direction; protected bike lanes in both directions (with safe access to the Pulaski Bridge); more green space; safe crossing at intersections. I would also ask that NYPD 94th Precinct start enforcing existing rules and regulations in terms of speeding, stopping for traffic signals, yielding as appropriate to pedestrian and cyclist traffic, and no thru truck traffic - which enforcement has been sadly deficient for many years.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Driggs Ave - Mcguinness Boulevard - Brooklyn

I am all for safer streets but removing a lane of traffic in each direction on McGuiness is going to push truck and other traffic into the local residential areas. Cars and truck deliveries are a necessity for many small businesses and families in this community. Many cannot afford the insane cost of daily Ubers or Lyfts. Many cannot physically rely on public transportation. Please find ways to make McGuiness safe without penalizing cars. Small Businesses, jobs, and the less privileged will suffer. Let’s implement innovative solutions to slow traffic and give pedestrians (my kids!) safe crossings.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Aggressive Biking
Aggressive Biking
Mcguinness Boulevard - Green St - Brooklyn

There is an issue making left turns at this intersection because the traffic lights are not in sync and you can only make a left turn on red because there is no opportunity when the left turn light is green. The overgrown shrubbery in the median makes it difficult to see oncoming traffic from the opposite lane. There is already an abundance of traffic on the Blvd between 4-6pm and reducing the lanes will only make it worse. There was no need for it to take 25mins only going 3 miles from work-without even looking for parking! It would be a nightmare for residents and commuters. Residents against the plan can’t share their opinions at meetings because they are shushed or their views aren't mentioned. There is no compromise being offered that will please all parties- its only the cyclists way. Cars heading towards the Greenpoint Ave bridge also cause a buildup of traffic on the Blvd that makes it difficult to get around

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Mcguinness Boulevard - Nassau Ave - Brooklyn

The traffic lanes on McGuinness cannot be reduced for bike lanes this will only push the trucks down the residential streets which is already an issue. Add time to the street crossing and put left turn lanes on all cross streets. There should be police handing out tickets to cyclists on McGuinness. There are many other streets running parallel to McGuinness that they can ride on.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Red Light Running
Red Light Running
Mcguinness Blvd South - Mcguinness Boulevard - Broome St

I cross at Driggs/McGuinness every day. I see a car run a fully red light (already red for at least 10 seconds) on average once every six months. If you put a camera there and monitor, I'd imagine you'll see it happen every day. I saw a cyclist hit and dragged under a car after the driver ignored a stop sign while exiting McGuinness on Graham Ave. All of this was during the daytime or evening, 10pm latest.

Mcguiness Boulevard - Greenpoint Ave - Brooklyn

This is a terrible idea, it will only cause more traffic and more trucks on the side residential streets. Cars and trucks keep the economy going. Trucks bring us everything we need to live. Bikes are nice way to get around for some individuals. Cars and trucks are necessary for people's livelihoods and the economy.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Mcguinness Boulevard - Freeman St - Pulaski Bridge

what else is there to say. speeding trucks and distracted drivers.

Mcguinness Boulevard - Mcguinness Blvd South - Nassau Ave - Brooklyn

Getting rid of traffic lanes on McGuinness Blvd. is a ludicrous idea. The route already is heavily congested during normal business days. Doing so will only force the traffic flow into the side streets and subject the residents of these streets to increased danger of pedestrian collision. The DOT has to realize not everyone rides scooters and bicycles nor due they take kindly of being forced to do so. If the DOT continues their draconian policy of alienating motorists they will find this city devoid of a stable tax base!

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form

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