Highway median on bridge off-ramp creates several problems: 1) provides a highway environment for drivers speed excessively; 2) cuts off all pedestrian crossings for a 3-block stretch (Dupont, Eagle, Freeman); 3) creates many traffic conflicts between Eagle and Green; 4) allows southbound drivers to speed all the way to Green before encountering a traffic light that (might) cause them to slow down. The bridge median is the single worst aspect of this dangerous bridge that turns it into a highway catapulting cars down McGuinness at speeds over 40-50 mph during all hours outside rush hour. The median needs to be torn down. This would be a big step toward correcting the badly hostile design of this bridge.
There is no way for a pedestrian on Dupont St to cross the McGuinness highway
The B32 stop is very exposed. Please add a bus shelter. Consider moving location of the bus stop to integrate it into traffic calming at this confusing and dangerous area full of conflicts and speeding cars coming off the bridge at 50+ mph
Greenpoint Ave needs local delivery zones for businesses receiving deliveries
Why is there a left turn bay here onto Engert, which is a small residential street? The only reason is so that drivers making a left turn don't slow down traffic on McGuinness. But the design of McGuiness should be a local residential street, not a highway
Road diet is needed on McGuiness especially between Engert and BQE. McGuiness southbound is not one, not two, but THREE lanes at this point. Pedestrians crossing McGuiness at Engert must cross SIX LANES plus a median. Drivers are frequently speeding on this stretch because it is near the BQE and the race for the on ramps is already underway at this point
Pedestrians have to cross 6 lanes of traffic plus a median here. You're basically crazy to walk anywhere near here even though there is a park on the corner of Bayard and McGuinness
Sidewalk completely disappears from Bayard St to Herbert St. Pedestrians walking south on McGuinness have nowhere to go and are forced to cross into merging traffic with speeding cars gunning it for the BQE
Southbound drivers on McGuinness do crazy things to try to reach the gas station on the corner, which is only accessible from Meeker or northbound side of McGuinness
Lots of speeding on this stretch of McGuinness northbound. Drivers coming off BQE think they are on a highway
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