Improper use of medians by some pedestrians.
hit by a car here as a ped - slip lane
Seems like it's difficult to figure out who has the right of way and it ends up being the largest vehicle; making sidewalks more ample would allow for more activity; difficult for folks with strollers, shopping carts, and walkers
Conflict between pedestrians and vehicles queuing for left turn at medians. Pedestrians not expecting cars to turn.**
uber and lyfts double parking
There are a lot of driveways near here which create issues
The street has very narrow sidewalks for long stretches of the road so you can't even comfortables walk two across; Meserole and Nassau are two intersections that stand out on this; larger sidewalks would be better and make me feel more comfortable walking there; sometimes you run into a cyclist using the sidewalk and either need to pass into parked car or tree pit areas
trys to avoid McGuinness - connection to Humboldt is sketchy but this is the connection to Bed Stuy
Missing crosswalks in this area.**
already sees a lot of cyclists - need to make it safer for them
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