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Double Parking
Double Parking
Monitor St - Driggs Ave - Nassau Ave

Double parked cars occur during drop off and pickup at elementary school PS110. Trucks ignoring NO TRUCK signage proceed on Monitor Street. Trucks block traffic when they reach double parked cars of parents dropping students at school. Trucks blow horns disturbing classrooms. Trucks can not proceed past blocked cars causing congestion and damaging parked vehicles.

Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Monitor St - Nassau Ave - Norman Ave

TRUCKS ignore SIGNAGE of NO TRUCK traffic. They continue to ignore NO TRUCK signage which begins at Norman Ave and continues to Meeker. Monitor is home to a public elementary school and public park with playground. Trucks speed down Monitor and use it as a shortcut to BQE from Greenpoint Ave. Street direction on Monitor between Norman & Nassau needs to be reversed to prevent Truck Passage.

Signage Problems
Signage Problems
Monitor St - Nassau Ave - Norman Ave

Trucks ignore posted NO TRUCK signage. There used to be two signs on each side of the street and one was removed by DOT workers. TRUCKS do not listen and proceed past signage. This section of Monitor between Norman Ave & Nassau Ave should have street direction reversed to prevent TRUCKS from proceeding on street

Signage Problems
Signage Problems
Monitor St - Driggs Ave - Nassau Ave

Trucks ignore NO TRUCK signage daily on block that has a public elementary school with kids as young as 3 years old, in addition to a public park with a playground nearby.

Aggressive Drivers
Aggressive Drivers
Monitor St - Driggs Ave - Nassau Ave

Aggressive DRIVERS speeding. Several parked cars & a van in this location over the past 7 years have been totaled (5-6 vehicles of neighbors).

No Crosswalk
No Crosswalk
Monitor St - Driggs Ave - Nassau Ave

NO crosswalk located at McGolrick Park Entrance / Exit. Dangerous speeding cars do not slow down for pedestrians crossing out of Park across Monitor Street. Need RAISED CROSSWALK

Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Monitor St - Driggs Ave - Nassau Ave

Speeding trucks IGNORING NO TRUCK signage on Monitor Street between Nassau & Driggs Ave. PS110 school located on this block. McGolrick Park located on this block with playground located towards Nassau Ave.

Aggressive Biking
Aggressive Biking
Mcguinness Boulevard - Norman Ave - Brooklyn

Removing two lanes of traffic will cause nothing but problems for the driving community of Greenpoint. Instead of uniting the neighborhood, it will cause more of a rift between the driving community and cyclists. Cyclists do not always follow traffic laws and do not yield when turning into oncoming traffic. By getting rid of two major lanes, the backup of traffic and the incessant congestion will be problematic for those getting off of the highways and those trying to get into the city. If you get rid of the median and use that area as a bike lane, you can make a compromise that will be beneficial for everybody. Add more trees to the sidewalks to appease the cyclists if you get rid of the median. The residents that live on McGuinness shouldn't have to give up their peace and quiet to appease cyclists that can ride around on Leonard Street if they are "so scared" of McGuinness.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Conflicting Turns
Conflicting Turns
Mcguinness Boulevard - Huron St - Green St

One of the "small changes" made to "Make McGuinness Safer" has done the opposite. The left turn signal on McGuinness/Green Street is dangerous for drivers. The light changing to allow for left turns changes to green when cars are still coming down the McGuinness lanes. There are too many cars on the road to make a turn when you are allowed to make a left. The trees in the median block the view of incoming traffic and makes it hazardous for drivers.

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comment in review
In Review
Greenpoint Ave - Eckford St - Mcguinness Boulevard

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