One of the "small changes" made to "Make McGuinness Safer" has done the opposite. The left turn signal on McGuinness/Green Street is dangerous for drivers. The light changing to allow for left turns changes to green when cars are still coming down the McGuinness lanes. There are too many cars on the road to make a turn when you are allowed to make a left. The trees in the median block the view of incoming traffic and makes it hazardous for drivers.
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Need a protected bike lane here. It's a major east west corridor in the neighborhood. The current bike "lane" is just paint and completely ignored. I don't bike in this neighborhood because there is no infrastructure.
Cars turning off the highway create danger for peds trying to cross the street. It's also impossible to continue walking north from this intersection.
Drivers think they are on the highway, driving at very speeds. Lanes need to be reduced to slow down cars.
Poor visibility from trucks parking all the way to the curb. There needs to be a crosswalk and stop signs in this location as well. Trucks and cars speed to try to catch the light at McGuinness.
Reverse the traffic directions of Eagle and Freeman and remove the slip lane. This would minimize conflict between bikes and cars coming off the bridge and down McGuinness Boulevard. Reuse the new space as a park/plaza with a enhanced bus stop.
Terrible visibility at this corner because cars park all the way to the corner and cars taking the corner too quickly off of McGuinness. Need to physically bump out the corner to prevent cars from parking in that manner.
Speeding along all of McGuinness. As a biker, I constantly see cars speed from a stop, or to catch a light, or just speeding. Along with narrowing the driving lanes and reducing driving lanes to one in each direction, more should be done to nudge drivers to slow down: more tree coverage in the median (potentially with a two-way bike lane), creating a physical separation or small barrier between parking lane and driving lane (more than just paint), reducing the desire to catch green lights by speeding by removing traffic signals and setting the speed limit to no more than 25mph (enforcement can easily be done by video cameras), allowing traffic to continue to flow at safe speeds with pedestrian-safe roundabouts on the far side of the Pulaski Bridge and near the BQE (which is also an extremely dangerous and complex intersection).
There is signage that is covered and general confusion as to how someone is supposed to get across this section of McGuinness while on foot. It's designed for cars and not for those sharing the streets with them.
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