do away with median where it does not even provide pedestrian islands anyhow, e.g. alongside left-turn lanes—waste of precious space!
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do away with median where it does not even provide pedestrian islands anyhow, e.g. alongside left-turn lanes—waste of precious space!
construct 2-way bike lane on west side of McGuinness from at least as far south as Greenpoint Av to Pulaski Br (i.e., allow for NB bike traffic from west of McGuinness to Pulaski Br without having to cross McGuinness twice)
Failure to yield, speeding, the road diet is a good option. Lower the speed limit and put traffic cams up. There should be more enforcement on this street, otherwise people will continue to break the rules and hurt people.
Please make mcguinness 1 lane each way and add bike lanes. Your proposal is so important to the community
How is it possible one lane will not slow down the 2 firehouses that bookend McG? On Greenpoint Ave and Richardson? Together they did over 7000 runs in 2022. DOT seriously is saying they'll go down the new bike lanes? How on earth is that safe? Can the big trucks even make the turns from the bike lane?
Their own report on making McG one lane each way says it will push 30-40% of traffic to "other routes" - at 24k-31k vehicles per day, each side (data from their own report) - that means thousands of cars (and trucks too) will move to our side streets. The report says "most of the traffic on mcG is local." It will make our residential neighborhoods much LESS safe.
I have lived in 11222 for the past 25 yrs. I just moved to 11237. I have been riding my bike for transportation for the past 17 yrs. I now commute daily from Bushwick to LIC crossing through the neighborhood and over the Pulanski. I ride my bike 365. As a daily bike commuter and a driver I do not think that the conversion plan is a positive investment for a number of reasons. Before I list my reasons I would like to point out that bike routes already exist running parallel on either side of McGuiness Blvd: Provost to the East and Greenpoint Ave and West St, to the West. These bike route give access to all desinations that would only be duplicated. McGuiness Blvd is a main artery not only connecting Queens (11th st and Northern Blvd) but also Manhattan and the Bronx (via Queensborough Bride) to North Brooklyn as well as to South Brooklyn by way of the BQE. By creating bike lanes and a to single lane traffic in both directions you will essentially be cutting off a major connecting roadway and will be diverting heavy traffic in to side and smaller streets, making deliveries not just to Greenpoint and Williamsburg difficult but also to Easy Williamsburg and Bushwick. This is a great impediment to business and does not make biking or for that matter walking safer By removing this conduit necessary for commercial traffic and as a way to will push this traffic onto streets with already existing bike lanes less safe. I am all for biking and pedestrian safety. As I said I do it daily Morgan Ave to Greenpoint Ave to Provost and then across the Pulanski up 11th st to 41st Ave. I am all for safe bike commuting . I believe better options are available to make biking and pedestrian traffic safer. Biking on McGuiness should prohibited full stop, improve the existing bike path on Provost by using the sidewalks that are not used by pedestrian traffic and create signage directing bikers. As far as pedestrian safety I think looking at what was done by the DOT creating the Queens Blvd Safety Project. "modification of stop light signals to increase pedestrian crossing time;" "roadway markings to emphasize pedestrian crosswalks, traffic lanes, and the direction of traffic flow;" "pedestrian signals on median islands;" "oversized speed limit signs and increased police enforcement of the speed limit;" and enforce no biking. "safety education presentations at senior citizen centers." Changing this major connecting thoughfare to a single lanes only causes greater issues and a lot of money that could be better used to highlight and amend the situation. I am an avid biker and would like more people out there biking but this is not a good idea. I could expound on the derelict nature of bikers at this point as well but I think we all know about that so think about that madness on McGuiness. If anything take one side of parking out and make a 2 direction bike lane. but don't decrease what works. Please look to other options. Thanks you avid bike commuter and car driver.
Narrowing McGuinness down to 1 lane each direction and adding a bike lane will be very difficult for many reasons. Bike riders never follow traffic rules. There is no way to penalize their irresponsible behavior. Having them petal along the many driveways on McGuinness increases a risk for both the car pulling out and these individuals never stopping at a red light. Reduction of truck and car traffic by half will decrease the money made from the speed cameras placed along McGuinness. Unless you start fining bikes, the city of Brooklyn will lose money. There are doctor, dentist , physical therapy businesses that need patient who can drive there. Limiting parking and limiting car lanes will affect these business. When the sanitation trucks come 3 times a week, they will definitely slow down traffic and create back ups. There is a ton of construction being done on McGuinness. Often times, these companies block 1 traffic lane. If they do this with a reduced traffic, they will cause back up for miles. If trucks or cars break down, there is no shoulder they can move to. This will slow traffic down. The meeting held for discussion of these changes were done from August to November 2021. These were peak times of the Covid epidemic. Many people avoided coming to these meetings. Many of us were not notified this was going on, if the meetings were on Zoom. In light of the now public awareness that this is a plan being entertained, now is the time when you should speak to more constituents to get more of what the majority vote is. I totally think this idea to narrow McGuinness Blvd is wrong on many grounds.
Instead of taking a already overused road and creating more congestion’s through reducing traffic flow for cars so the 20 bikers in that area feel safe, direct the bikers down one of the unused and much quieter/safes sidestreets away from the cars. Bikers do not obey traffic laws and often weave in between cars and hit pedestrians. I am a safe driver in the area and have nearly killed multiple cyclists because they do not obey laws. Even with a bike lane, bikers do not yield to pedestrians and often use roadways to overtake each other. Take the bikers off of McGuiness boulevard will solve more issues than taking a full lane of traffic away from drivers. The green point area is already a congested and tight place to drive and reducing the number of lanes on the only major roadway in or out of the area will destroy the quality of life and cause major gridlocking in the area. These gridlock instances are when drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists alike are most at risk because there is no order or pattern to traffic but rather “everyone for themselves”, leaving pedestrians in more danger of being run over by bikes and cars. A smarter alternative would be dedicating a large area of a parallel running street to bikers with a bi directional running bike lane occupying Newel Street or Eckford Street. Taking a lane of traffic away will hurt everyone and in reality, cyclists will not benefit when every road is blocked by a gridlocked car.
Drivers on McGuinness are so dangerous. We need a protected bike lane
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