this bike lane is pure shit. its mostly filled with debris - where people aren't double or triple parked in it. people SPEED LIKE HELL down rockaway and then veer in and out. its just so bad, i can't believe you even painted this and probably patted yourselves on the back thinking this is a bike lane.
Claredon Road bike lane ending without connecting across Flatbush is illogical and unhelpful. Use wayfinding, surface road treatments and more to continue on and across Flatbush over to Dorchester road to Coney Island Avenue please.
Rockaway parkway has a bike lane but it's mere paint and routinely double parked in. Need an upgrade to a protected lane.
Coney Island Avenue is designed for trucks, not for people. It's too wide and cars are too fast. Give it an overhaul from Prospect Park as far south as possible and add protected bike lanes please.
The Ocean Avenue bike lane is not safe. There is RAMPANT double parking & illegal u turns. Either make a grassy mall throughout or add protected bike lane in a center running Sands St style clip.
Connect Claredon to Rockaway Parkway via Ditmas Avenue here.
Troy Avenue is really wide. At times it even has a striped buffer on BOTH side of the street. The room is there for a bike lane no doubt. Probably even a protected one!
To head west... Pitkin to East NY Ave to Lincoln Road is a straight shot. But the bike lane is non existent for way too much of it. and knowing this line exists, I could see a linear park treatment being done with a conversion to a two way bike path in & out of Prospect Park and linking all the way to Lincoln Terrace Park (and beyond with some northern routes to Highland Park). It'd require losing a lot of free on street parking, but if we're building for Brooklyn's future... we need to truly prioritize peds & bikes and give them the room to grow heartily.
Lefferts Avenue is dangerously wide. It could use a bike lane (or even a marked parking lane) just for traffic calming. But big picture, the neighborhood could also benefit from some linear park treatments. Maybe Lefferts has the width to build it with ease? It'd also end the string of illegal U Turns that always happens here.
Prospect Park has all the cyclists but no actual bike path into it, or out from it, on Lincoln Road. For all points east, the best way (until Ocean gets its parkside path) would be to turn left on Flatbush or Washington & then turn right onto Empire. But the Empire lane is riddled with double parking... and it's just paint. Empire will likely get rezoned and soon have more buildings and residents. But we shouldn't wait for them to come and get hurt. Let's act now. Give Empire's faded bike lanes an upgrade and maybe build a median of grass like 34th avenue? It could become a GRAND entrance to Prospect Park.
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