Traffic And Transportation Issues Map

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West Ave - Shore Parkway - Brooklyn

The new traffic light at this intersection is causing more traffic than when it was just a stop sign. Cars are waiting to turn from West Avenue while there are no cars driving east on Shore Parkway. Then as soon as cars start driving up Shore Parkway, their light turns red and now they ended up waiting. The timing could use an improvement.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Shore Parkway - Shell Rd - Shore Parkway

This west bound shore parkway street is large enough to accommodate 3 lanes yet only utilizes 2 lanes. The lane turning south is the primary path someone traveling west bound on the belt parkway would use to visit the coney island attractions as well as residents of the multiple high rise buildings of the area. There are times where I've personally sat in 30 minutes of traffic to pass this one street to go south. Please expand this road into 2 southbound lanes.

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Curbside Parking Issue
Curbside Parking Issue
Coney Island Ave - Brighton 10 Court - Brighton 10 Path

Cars double park and it needs to be a permit parking required and residence can't park. The cars double park causing other cars and MTA buses to honk when it so many cars.

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Coney Island Ave - Brighton Beach Ave - Brighton 10 St

There are cars double parked all night from Seaside car service with long lights. The double parking needs to be improved with permits for residence of the area only.

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Coney Island Ave - Brighton Beach Ave - Brighton 10 St

The supermarket Taskent Supermarket has accessibility problems with issue with too many people and the merchandise outside illegally. There is illegal halal cart that is blocking access to the sidewalk. I am asking for ADA compliance and more enforcement of crowd control. I am asking for more space on the sidewalk for people.

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Coney Island Ave - Brighton 10 Court - Brighton 10 Path

There are major pot holes and the roads need improvement. It's from Coney Island Ave and Neptune Ave to Coney Island Ave and Brighton Beach Ave. There parking situation not accessibility to parking and the roads plus sidewalks are never cleaned. Gas station has many abandoned cars from Mark's Auto Shop plus Shell Gas station on the parking spots and on the sidewalk.

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Shore Parkway - East 6 St - Hubbard St-guider Ave Ped Ovps

Four lanes of traffic Shore pkwy/2 lines Belt Pkwy/ Hubbard St. all converge onto shore parkway. Dangerous and congested by private homes

Curbside Parking Issue
Curbside Parking Issue
Shore Parkway - East 6 St - Hubbard St-guider Ave Ped Ovps

Parking in a no parking anytime zone

Surf Ave - West 5 St - Driveway

I am writing to express serious concerns about the intersection of West 5th Street and Surf Avenue. This intersection presents significant safety hazards for pedestrians, particularly when vehicles make right turns from West 5th Street onto Surf Avenue without yielding to crossing pedestrians. The situation becomes especially dangerous during summer months when this intersection serves as a beach access point for families with children. The children are often not visible to drivers making the turn, creating a high-risk scenario for accidents. I strongly recommend installing a separate pedestrian signal phase at this intersection that would allow pedestrians to cross safely without competing with turning vehicles. This dedicated signal would create a clear separation between pedestrian crossing time and vehicle turning movements, significantly reducing the potential for conflicts and accidents. Thank you for your consideration.

Street View

cars doubled parked there for service on their vehicles. Shop owners need to stop the cars so that the traffic does not back up there near the car wash and car repair shops.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form

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