Project Overview



There are 10+ schools within a block of Brooklyn Ave and Kingston Ave. NYC DOT has heard safety concerns from schools and the community board about speeding and dangerous driver behavior in the neighborhood. This project aims to improve safety for the thousands of students who walk, bike, and ride on Brooklyn Ave and Kingston Ave.


Map of schools in the project area.

Safety Concerns


The project is in a Vision Zero Priority Area, and Kingston Ave is a Vision Zero Priority Corridor

There have been 158 traffic injuries and 7 severe injuries on Brooklyn Ave and Kingston Ave between 2019 and 2023. Approximately one third of the injuries on these corridors were people walking or biking.

NYC DOT has documented dangerous speeding on both corridors, with drivers traveling as fast as 41 MPH outside of schools. To learn more about the existing roadway conditions and safety concerns please review the Community Board Presentation.


Map of traffic injuries on Brooklyn Ave and Kignston Ave between 2019 - 2023.



The project is proposing the following treatments to calm traffic and improve safety for students on Brooklyn Ave and Kingston Ave. To see details of the full proposal please review the Community Board Presentation:

  • Protected bike lanes on Brooklyn Ave and Kingston Ave to narrow the roadway, reduce speeding, and provide a safe place for cyclists.
  • Painted curb extensions and pedestrian islands to shorten crossings for pedestrians.
  • Daylighting, which removes 2-4 parking spots at the intersection to improve visibility of pedestrians and oncoming vehicles.
  • Turn calming treatments to slow turning vehicles.
  • Signal timing improvements and turn bays at key intersections to organize traffic.
  • Removal of one travel lane on Brooklyn Ave to narrow the roadway and reduce speeding. Maintain the existing single travel lane on Kingston Ave.
  • Investigate speed bumps in front of schools.
  • Conventional bike lanes on Rutland Rd and Fenimore St to calm traffic provide a safe place for cyclists.

To learn more about DOT’s safety treatments and their efficacy review DOT’s Safety Treatment Evaluation (2005-2018).


Cross sections of exisitng and porposed condiitons on Brooklyn Ave and Kingston Ave between Lefferts Ave and Rutland Rd. The road is 43' wide.Map of proposed bike lanes on Brooklyn Ave, Kingston Ave, Rutland Rd, and Fenimore St.


Propsed curb extensions and pedestrain islands on Brooklyn Ave and Kingston Ave.Example of an intersection before and after installation of a curb extension

Share Your Ideas


We want to hear from you! Visit the project Comment Map to share your safety concerns and ideas for improving safety on Brooklyn Ave and Kingston Ave.