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Failure to Yield
Failure to Yield
West 181 St - Wadsworth Ave - Broadway

This is a long way to walk, often through blocked intersections. - Comment from Vision Zero input map

Street View
Haven Ave - West 170 St - West 171 St

There are no speed bumps or stop signs here, so cars come speeding down Haven Ave and past 2 nursery schools. - Comment from Vision Zero input map

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Double Parking
Double Parking
Ft Washington Ave - West 176 St - West 177 St

There are always cars double parked in the bike lane. In addition, this is a narrow street, and the bike lane is way, way too narrow to be taken seriously or cycled in safely. It puts cyclists in danger of getting doored from parked vehicles. - Comment from Vision Zero input map.

Street View
St Nicholas Ave - West 169 St - West 170 St

Drivers travel at a high rate of speed up Broadway on to St. Nick, crossing this intersection without looking for travelers going from St. Nick up Broadway. - Comment from Vision Zero input map

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Failure to Yield
Failure to Yield
West 165 St - Ft Washington Ave - Riverside Drive

When pedestrians have the right of way the cars turning right think they have the right of way because they have a green light. This is incredibly dangerous. When I cross I have to put my arms out to make cars stop to cross with my children. It's most dangerous at end of day rush hour and Fridays as people are trying to get to GW. Also the pedestrian walk sign is hidden by pole in some areas when cars are turning right. - Comment from Vision Zero input map

Street View
Long Wait to Cross
Long Wait to Cross
West 158 St - West 158 St Pedestrian Unp - Riverside Drive

A highly confusing intersection complicated by long distances, odd angles, and a pronounced hill. There are interminable waits to cross Riverside complicated by turning signals and occasional lack of traffic and visibility of turning cars. This intersection is frustrating for pedestrians and cars alike and should be looked into and improved. - Comment from Vision Zero input map

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