Trucks and buses should be restricted in DUMBO. Historic district with narrow streets and pedestrian congestion
The NYC Truck Route Network is a system of designated roads that helps commercial vehicles navigate the city efficiently. It aims to:
Connect primary freight origins and destinations.
Maximize access to industrial and commercial zones.
Minimize conflicts with residential areas and vulnerable road users.
This network is crucial for supporting the local economy and livability by:
Organizing neighborhood truck activity
Reducing traffic congestion on non-designated routes
Feedback Guidance:
We want to hear from you, help us identify how and where we can improve the movement of trucks on our city streets.
Options for feedback:
Confusing Truck Route Signage: A Unclear or inaccurate posted truck route signage
Missing Truck Route Signage: A lack of adequate signage to help guide trucks to and along designated truck routes.
Poor network connection: Areas with inadequate truck route network connectivity, often leading truck drivers to deviate from designated truck routes.
Weight & Height Restrictions: Overweight and/ or over-dimensional trucks are often observed.
Limited Curb Access: Trucks observed blocking moving, bike, or bus lanes; or have limited access to curbs for loading and unloading purposes.
Narrow Roadway: Limitations by the physical characteristics of the street, such as narrow roadway
Difficult Truck Turn: Limitations by the physical characteristics of the street, such as sharp turns
Maintenance Needed: Substandard road conditions, such as potholes, uneven surfaces, or lack of maintenance.
Limited Truck Parking: Shortage of designated parking spaces for trucks.
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict: Observed locations where multiple incidents of bicycle and truck conflicts occurred
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict: Observed locations where multiple incidents of pedestrian and truck conflicts occurred
Speeding Truck: Locations where trucks are observed speeding along the street or intersection
Health and Environmental Impact: Locations with air quality, general health, and environmental concerns
Trucks and buses should be restricted in DUMBO. Historic district with narrow streets and pedestrian congestion
Entire Jersey Street location should be excluded, because of high levels of asthma. The air quality in this area is poor.
@10th Street btw Jamaica & Hillside Aves -- Absolutely NO Commercial Trucks should be allowed - we need to stop these drivers from abusing our neighborhoods and changing our quality of life. We need signage to indicate NO TRUCKS. This survey/question doesn't service property owners who care about their homes and community. STOP destroying our way of living. Commercial trucks should not be allowed to park in residential areas. More residents will relocate -- homeowners will move away as we are tried of fight for a better way of living.
Queens Village North - Air quality is affect by the increased commercial trucks being driven in our neighborhood. Noise pollution has increased. The area around 210th St, btw Jamaica & Hillside Aves has low air quality due to increased commercial trucks.
Large 53 foot trucks attempt to turn from Francis Lewis Boulevard on to 147th Road to access a warehouse on Hook Creek Boulevard, which is a narrow residential street.
Large trucks attempt to turn from Sunrise Highway to Hook Creek Boulevard, but the street is too narrow for trucks this size.
Large 53 foot trucks attempt to turn from Sunrise Highway on to Francis Lewis Boulevard, but it is too narrow and causes traffic congestion.
There is a truck warehouse on Hook Creek Boulevard, but there is no signage on the boulevard.
There is no truck signage prohibiting 53 foot tractor trailers from driving on Francis Lewis Blvd and the South Conduit to Hook Creek Boulevard.
Grand concourse from 150 up through 167 runs directly alongside 2 major parks in the area (franz Siegel and Joyce Kilmer) and is near two more (macombs damn and rev Wendell fostser). These parks are highly trafficked year round especially by children. The added exhaust from commercial trucks would be highly detrimental to these vital community outdoor spaces.
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