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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Mcdonald Ave - Ft Hamilton Parkway - Caton Ave

Trucks have difficulty turning block entire intersection

Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Caton Ave - East 2 St - East 3 St

Trucks driving on this route don't yield to anyone. They endanger cyclists (I am one) every day since they are too high up to see us. No trucks should be allowed on Caton Avenue between McDonald and Linden Aves.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Caton Ave - Mcdonald Ave - East 2 St

Semis are backed up all along Caton Avenue to Linden Avenue all day and well into the evening. The exhaust form these diesel trucks is horrendous, and the area is nearly 100% residential so the impact on humans and animals is high. The noise pollution from these enormous engines roaring through our neighborhood is equally disturbing. This route should not be open to trucks at all! Semis on our city streets and passing through the city to other destinations should be strictly curtailed.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Caton Ave - Mcdonald Ave - Brooklyn

So much air pollution! I can’t even open my apartment windows, my apartment gets FILTHY.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Caton Ave - East 2 St - Mcdonald Ave - Brooklyn

Large trucks drive fast and block crosswalks in residential area where three school nearby. Forces me and my children to walk in the middle of the intersection. Very unsafe!

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Metropolitan Ave - Leonard St - Manhattan Ave

Trucks are speeding through this area constantly (Right next to a school!!!) and I've repeatedly seen them blow through red lights and nearly take out a kid or someone walking their dog

Maintenance Needed
Maintenance Needed
Metropolitan Ave - Leonard St - Manhattan Ave

Horribly dangerous potholes/craters. Large trucks come through here and kick up chunks of pavement. Had my windshield cracked from them. Also, unhealthy noise disturbances due to how loud this is.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Caton Ave - East 2 St - East 3 St - Brooklyn

I am a 78 year old senior , and I am afraid to cross the street especially from 2pm till 8 , you are taking your life in your hands, traffic is horrible especially with the trucks,who ever decided to put the highway passing 3 schools was not thinking. Thats for sure, I seemed the trucks speed to beat the red light, please look into this problem and help us.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Caton Ave - Mcdonald Ave - East 2 St

The truck route via McDonald Ave to Caton Ave is extremely polluting to all residents and the schools. Horrible diesel fumes emanate via all the trucks stopping at multiple lights and the sheer volume of trucks on a daily basis. The volume is also extremely loud as these trucks role down the street stopping and restarting. It is also extremely dangerous as there is not enough room for all these trucks in this residential space. Additionally the roadway is very degraded with multiple potholes.

Street View
Poor Truck Network Connections
Poor Network Connections
Ocean Ave - Caton Ave - St Pauls Court

This intersection is a major contributor of eastbound caton congestion because traffic waiting for pedestrians block other motor traffic. Dedicate pedestrian and motor crossing periods.

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