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Difficult Truck Turn
Difficult Truck Turn
Bowne St - Richards St - Van Brunt St

Oversized trucks can't make this turn and get stuck blocking traffic.

Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Van Brunt St - Verona St - Visitation Pl

So many speeding trucks on Van Brunt. This is a neighborhood street with schools, pedestrians, and cyclists. Not an appropriate truck route!

Limited Truck Parking
Limited Truck Parking
Manhattan Ave - Commercial St - Deadend

There should be more truck loading areas here, heavy commercial area- too much space for residential parking

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
60 St - 2 Ave - 3 Ave

This intersection is extremely dangerous--the trucks race down, and pass each other quickly, and they take up so much room that cars get stuck under the highway when the lights turn red, and some just speed up, run the red light, and almost hit pedestrians. The intersection is dangerous enough as it is. Adding trucks make it way worse. I have seen trucks almost hit the middle school students who are too close to the curb.

Difficult Truck Turn
Difficult Truck Turn
60 St - 3 Ave - 3 Ave

Extremely sharp turn. Some trucks barely make the turn and take MINUTES wiggling to turn. Some trucks try turning onto 3rd avenue from a side block (56-58th street) and can barely make the turn if a car is parked 4 feet into the avenue.

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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
3 Ave - 60 St - Brooklyn

Trucks are speeding. They do not yield to pedestrians.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
6 St - 4 Ave - 3 Ave - Brooklyn

I live on 6th Street between 4th and 3rd Ave in Brooklyn. There are always speeding trucks and cars on our street. A lot of truck/site seeing buses seem to use our street to bypass the turn onto 9th St. In the evening there are always site seeing buses turning onto this block off of 4th Ave and it is a hard turn for them as the street is one way. Sometimes the buses will stop near our building, as there is a no parking zone next to our building that is large enough to fit a bus,sometimes for extended periods, before they continue to wherever they are heading. There is a large UHaul located on this block and not only do the customers speed, but the employees will drive UHaul vehicles the wrong way down the street or the sidewalk at high speed, so they don't have to go around the block in order to move trucks from the back lot which is near 3rd Ave to the front lot that is off of 4th Ave. We also notice that in the early mornings there are deliveries to the commercial businesses that can hold up traffic for extended periods of time as we get to hear all of the honking from the people that get stuck behind these delivery trucks. This is mainly a commercial street, but the speeding trucks and cars are not safe. I don't know if anything can be done to stop trucks from turning on 6th Street so they can avoid the 9th Street turn. I don't think it is possible to add speed bumps on this street because of the commercial businesses, but maybe it would helpful if this street was local delivery and UHaul trucks only to cut down on the speeding vehicles and hold ups from deliveries on this street.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Confusing Truck Route Signage
Confusing Truck Route Signage
Lincoln Tunnel - Lincoln Tunnel Exit - Ny-nj Boundary

Double check height, weight, and other truck restrictions in Lincoln Tunnel between NYC and NJ. Clarify on new truck route map. NYC DOT map says 10' height restriction, but the Port Authority states 13'. Clarify any time of day restrictions.

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Morgan Ave - Sharon St - Maspeth Ave - Brooklyn

This is the entrance to cooper park but you can’t cross the street due to heavy truck traffic. There definitely needs to be a stop sign in both directions in the middle of this block where the park entrance is.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Limited Truck Parking
Limited Truck Parking
4 Ave - 24 St - 25 St

53' trailers regularly park on NB left turn lane at night.

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