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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Henry St - Atlantic Ave - Pacific St

Because of the long line of traffic to get onto the BQE, trucks regularly block this intersection and crosswalk, forcing pedestrians to have to weave through traffic. I have seen a number of near accidents, particularly with children going to and from school, as they have to leave the crosswalk to cross Atlantic, leading to them nearly getting hit by southbound traffic on Henry or eastbound traffic on Atlantic.

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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Clinton St - State St - Atlantic Ave

Because of the long line of traffic to get onto the BQE, trucks regularly block this intersection and crosswalk, forcing pedestrians to have to weave through traffic. I have seen a number of near accidents, particularly with children going to and from school, as they have to leave the crosswalk to cross Atlantic, leading to them nearly getting hit by northbound traffic on Clinton or eastbound traffic on Atlantic.

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Hicks St - Pacific St - Amity St

There is a crosswalk here. There are no signs warning cars or trucks about the stop sign. Traffic is always backed up as cars (who are bypassing the BQE) wait to turn left on Atlantic to get on the BQE. There is rarely a backup in the right hand lane. When a truck is in middle lane, it blocks the view of cars in the right hand lane of anyone using the crosswalk coming from the dog park. I have been nearly hit by cars going through the stop walk too many times to count. There was a stop sign here (that was regularly ignored), but at least it was something. Apaprently, that was meant to temporary for construction at the SW corner of Atlantic and Hicks. Because there is a stop work order and no construction work has been preformed in years, DOT has claimed the stop sign should not be put back up until construction resumes. However, even though there is not active construction going on, the scaffolding remains up which blocks the sidewalk on the west side of Hicks. Whereas one could previously safely cross Hicks at Atlantic and use this sidewalk on the west side, there is now no way to avoid risking your life crossing at the crosswalk at Pacific.

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Court St - Atlantic Ave - Pacific St

Crossing Atlantic from Court Street is dangerous whether from trucks or any vehicle. The left turn signal from Atlantic to Court creates an especially dangerous scenario for pedestrians who decide to cross thinking all traffic is turning left when in fact the west bound lane next to the turn lane has a green light to continue straight. Vehicles barrel through the green light.

Street View
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Atlantic Ave - Henry St - Clinton St

I commute to work by bicycle. Crossing Atlantic from Henry going south can be dangerous, especially and increasingly 5:30-7pm, when there is sometimes gridlock on Atlantic forcing cyclists and pedestrians to weave between vehicles blockin the box.

Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Lafayette Ave - Ashland Pl - St Felix St

This commercial stretch of Lafayette Avenue is inundated with double parking from trucks and therefore the buffered bike lane is consistently blocked. The bike lane should be upgraded to a parking protected bike lane.

Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Dekalb Ave - Adelphi St - Clermont Ave

This commercial stretch of DeKalb Avenue is inundated with double parking from trucks and therefore the buffered bike lane is consistently blocked. The bike lane should be upgraded to a parking protected bike lane.

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Dekalb Ave - South Oxford St - Cumberland St

DeKalb Avenue should not be a truck route. The neighborhood is adequately served by truck routes on Myrtle Avenue and Fulton St.

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Lafayette Ave - Adelphi St - Clermont Ave

Lafayette Avenue should not be a truck route. The neighborhood is adequately served by truck routes on Myrtle Avenue and Fulton St.

Weight & Height Restriction
Weight & Height Restriction
Columbia St - President St - Carroll St

Overweight trucks traffic in commercial/residential area.

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