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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Coney Island Ave - Kermit Pl - Caton Ave

Recently a tractor trailer took out both street lights at the intersection leaving a dangerous four-way intersection without traffic lights for a couple days. At an intersection near several schools that is already dangerous to begin with, with four lanes of traffic, this was an incredibly dangerous situation.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
West 15 St - 7 Ave - Manhattan

"No through trucks" signage on 15th Street is insufficiently regarded and enforced. Westbound trucks are moving across 15th Street at all hours without any legitimate local stops. significant environmental and quality of life impacts as a result

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Confusing Truck Route Signage
Confusing Truck Route Signage
West 15 St - 7 Ave - Manhattan

"no through trucks" sign not clear and direct enough. Easily overlooked by truckers on all days and hours

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Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
West 15 St - 7 Ave - 8 Ave - Manhattan

No through truck rules not enforced

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Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact

Heavy truck and tractor-trailer truck traffic cause both noise and air pollution on residential streets as well as damage to the condition of the streets and risks to pedestrians.

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Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Caton Ave - East 4 St - East 5 St

Speeding trucks that share a street with families trying to use the bike lanes. I have personally witnessed a crash with a cyclist. No more 16-wheelers on Caton Ave

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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Caton Ave - East 4 St - East 3 St - Brooklyn

The pedestrians and residents on the stretch btwn E. 3/4th on Caton are in serious danger each and every time they try to cross a street, get to school, go to the library, go to the subway, go to the parade grounds, etc. These are all the actions which people should not be consistently afraid to do because of the speed and carelessness of truck drivers. Caton Avenue was not designed with the intent of 18-wheel trucks honking, speeding and driving alongside bikers, walkers, runners and people trying to go about their daily routine. This situation must change.

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Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Caton Ave - East 4 St - East 3 St - Brooklyn

The speed, weigh and pollution of these trucks is frightening. We live on Caton btwn 3rd/4th and are woken up by 18 wheelers passing by at a speeding pace in order to make the light. The traffic is consistently loud with speeding of all types, horns and blaring engines. This is a residential street that houses many young children as well as older adults with mobility issues. Surely there is a better solution?

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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Caton Ave - East 7 St - East 8 St - Brooklyn

18-wheel trucks go barreling down Caton Avenue while families with young children ride in the bike lanes. At this particular intersection, there is also a school for students with special needs. This route is a danger to the community.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Missing Truck Route Signage
Missing Truck Route Signage
Metropolitan Ave - Arnold Ave - Rene Court

Signage needed to indicate that westbound trucks should turn at Flushing rather than 54th Street or Nurge

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