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Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Commercial St - Box St - Ash St

Commercial Street is a mess! I know it's under construction, but thousands of people and children are moving in here and the trucks are flying through.

Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
Bay St - Columbia St - Hicks St

Jofaz schoolbuses are frequently speeding down Columbia Street into the residential area. I have seen a pedestrian hit by a Jofaz school bus on the corner of West 9th and Columbia.

Speeding Trucks
Speeding Trucks
West 9 St - Columbia St - Hicks St

Trucks illegally pass on West 9th St. on a daily basis off of the assigned truck route

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Clinton St - Hamilton Ave - Mill St

Trucks are constantly speeding down Clinton Street, turning while pedestrians are in the middle of Hamilton Avenue, and running red lights.

Confusing Truck Route Signage
Confusing Truck Route Signage
33 St - Grand Central Parkway Et 45 Wb - Hoyt Ave South

There should be a truck route sign on the 33rd Street overpass segment. Hoyt Avenue and Astoria Blvd N/S are truck routes and the intersection of these with 33rd Street is wide, offering trucks room to turn onto 33rd Street and then onto the RFK Bridge. Much better route than turning on narrower residential streets 24th Avenue and 29th Street to get onto the RFK Bridge from the local truck route network currently.

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Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
24 Ave - 28 St - 29 St

Highly dangerous intersection for pedestrians and cyclists because of trucks driving on a heavily residential street. The truck route on 24th Avenue should be eliminated.

Difficult Truck Turn
Difficult Truck Turn
Bay St - Hylan Boulevard - Staten Island

Dangerous turns of large trucks (tractor trailers) making scary narrow turns from Bay Street on to Hylan Boulevard heading toward Staten Island Expressway (SIE) causing severe safety issues for cars and pedestrians (children) going to P.S.13 on Hylan Boulevard which is a very narrow street with alot of morning rush hour traffic also. Instead, these trucks can continue on Bay St to School Road, a much wider street where they can easily turn and head to the SIE without causing a tragedy.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Difficult Truck Turn
Difficult Truck Turn
9 Ave - West 16 St - West 15 St

Difficult truck turn WB on Ninth Ave to W 15th Street due to heavy pedestrian volume

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