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Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Van Brunt St - Sullivan St - Wolcott St

there is a citibike station here, which is great, but all of the amazon vans and huge trucks and buses make it hard for cyclists to get on van brunt

Difficult Truck Turn
Difficult Truck Turn
Sullivan St - Van Brunt St - Conover St

i see HUGE buses trying to turn this corner here all the time. it takes them a long time because its a tight corner, meanwhile their exhaust wafts into the schoolyard.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Van Brunt St - Sullivan St - Wolcott St

there is a public elementary school right here - hundreds of polluting trucks should NOT be driving right in front of the main playground everyday

Difficult Truck Turn
Difficult Truck Turn
Van Brunt St - Pioneer St - King St

huge semis turn here - it is NOT designed for that. they damage the trees while turning

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Manhattan Ave - Metropolitan Ave - Conselyea St

The trucks barrel through without regard for the safety of children at the school or pedestrians crossing the street. They make dangerous turns that put people at risk every day. I see constant incidents. It’s horrible that the city allows a trucking route next to a school - isn’t children’s safety important?

Missing Truck Route Signage
Missing Truck Route Signage
4 Pl - Court St - Brooklyn

Trucks use 4the place between court and Henry streets as a throughway to the tunnel and BQE. The street used to have a no trucks allowed sign at court street, but it went missing. Everything from semi trucks to large shipping trucks gob down this narrow street. Sometimes they hit trees and cars.

*Submitted via Accessible Feedback Form
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Observed Bicyclist and Truck Conflict
Prospect Park West - Windsor Pl - Prospect Ave

Many double parked cars and trunks creating a jam where buses can't get by. Delivery people on bikes decide to get through by any means possible. Usually on the sidewalk which are crowded by shoppers.

Street View
Difficult Truck Turn
Difficult Truck Turn
Kane St - Cheever Pl - Henry St

This is a tough turn for trucks because Henry Street is narrow with cars parked on both sides, and on more than one occasion trucks have hit the poles/signs on the corners. Sometimes trucks are forced to take this turn because Henry is so narrow so they can't continue down, but the turn itself is also very tricky. Trucks should not be going on this route.

Narrow Roadway
Narrow Roadway
Henry St - Kane St - Degraw St

This portion of Henry street is VERY narrow and I have witnessed many accidents where trucks have hit cars parked along the sides (sometimes resulting in hit and runs), or had to back out and try to make challenging turns, taking out street poles/signs. Trucks should not be allowed to go this way. It's stressful for the drivers and residents.

Narrow Roadway
Narrow Roadway
St Johns Pl - Nostrand Ave - New York Ave

saint john’s place between nostrand and new york avenues are dangerous for pedestrians and traffic, too skinny and we need a truck restriction. thanks.

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