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Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Overbaugh Pl - East 40 St

I used to enjoy walking to the church, but the truck fumes and noise make it unbearable. We need a new route to bring peace back to our streets.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Overbaugh Pl - East 40 St

The truck traffic is so loud that it drowns out our church bells. It's sad that such a beautiful sound is being overshadowed by constant noise.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Overbaugh Pl - East 40 St

Our church choir struggles to practice with the constant roar of trucks outside. We need peace in our community to worship and gather.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Overbaugh Pl - East 40 St

The children in our church’s youth group can’t play outside because of the truck fumes and noise. It’s affecting their health and well-being.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Overbaugh Pl - East 40 St

As a member of the local church, it's heartbreaking to see our community suffer from the constant truck noise and pollution. Our Sunday services are interrupted by the loud rumble of passing trucks.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Avenue I - Connector

Every night, I hear trucks speeding down the road. It’s disturbing my sleep, and I wake up tired every day. This route is a nightmare.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Avenue I - Connector

The noise from these trucks is ridiculous. I can’t even enjoy a simple conversation on my front porch without shouting. We need a quieter neighborhood.

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In Review
Kings Highway - Connector - Avenue I

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Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Connector - Kings Highway

I’ve noticed more dust and grime in my house since the trucks started coming through. The pollution is terrible, and it’s affecting our daily lives.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 46 St - Schenectady Ave

I bought this home thinking it was a quiet neighborhood, but the trucks keep me up all night. It’s really disappointing.

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