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Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 46 St - Schenectady Ave

I bought this home thinking it was a quiet neighborhood, but the trucks keep me up all night. It’s really disappointing.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 41 St - Troy Ave

I worry about my grandchildren playing outside with all the pollution from the trucks. It’s not safe for them.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 41 St - Hubbard Pl

My house shakes every time a truck passes by. The noise and vibrations are out of control.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 41 St - Hubbard Pl

I have to wear earplugs to bed because the trucks are so loud. It’s ridiculous!

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - East 40 St - East 41 St

The noise from the trucks wakes up my baby constantly. It’s affecting our quality of life.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Troy Ave - Avenue J

The fumes from these trucks are making it hard for me to breathe. This pollution is terrible for my health.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Troy Ave - Avenue J

Studying at home has become a nightmare with the constant noise from trucks all night. I can't focus at all.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Troy Ave - Avenue J

I moved to this neighborhood for peace in my retirement, but the constant truck noise and pollution are making it impossible to relax.

Health & Environmental Impact
Health & Environmental Impact
Kings Highway - Troy Ave - Avenue J

I’m tired of these trucks ruining our roads. It’s a nightmare driving on such uneven pavement. My tires are taking a beating.

Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Observed Pedestrian and Truck Conflict
Kings Highway - East 41 St - Troy Ave

The roads are so bumpy now that my grandma is afraid to drive on them. We need to fix this problem and find a new route for these trucks.

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